X Notable Characters/Organinizations X

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Take note of these important characters (I feel like a literature teacher)
Ps: I'm putting a song that relates to the chapter at the top from now on. Nothing really relates to character profiles but I'm obsessed with the song.

In this arc, Tora feels she has no true identity since is always changing her look. She
decides to go with what she wanted to look like when she was younger, and what her           brothers always thought she would grow up to look like. Until she changes, she still has white hair.

 Until she changes, she still has white hair

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Full Name: Tora Lucilfer

Meaning: Tiger

Age: 15-16

Race: God knows

Hair Color: Brunette

Eye Color: gold

Affiliation: Fury
Hunter Society

Occupation: (ex) phantom troupe member
Beast hunter
Fury Member

Base of Operations: Fury HQ

Status: Alive

Relatives: Amaya Lucilfer (mother)
Chrollo Lucilfer (oldest brother)
Eiji Lucilfer (older brother)

Nen: mix between transmuter and conjurer (refer to chapter one)
—nen board
—shadow sister

Favored Weapon: anything

Usual Attire: Red and white hoodie with cat ears
White T-Shirt
                      Black shorts/tights
                      Black combat boots
Black mask

Tora's long lost, over-protective Onii-chan/ twin who won't let anyone near her. His main mission in life is to protect Tora from Amaya (their mom). He's a hopeless flirt btw.

 He's a hopeless flirt btw

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Full Name: Eiji Lucilfer

Meaning: the second born one

Age: 15-16

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