X I Didn't Know You Were A Sociopath... Nah, Just Kidding X✔️

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The cat and the dragon stood in an elevator, chatting with what seemed to be a shadow while the contraption descended, "So Rin!" Katsu smiled as he spoke to the shadow, "Are you doing the exam with us?"

Tora had always shipped the two together, as they got along well and only Rin could cool Katsu's wicked temper. The dragon had always treated Rin as if she were a real being, not just a nen ability. The thing is, Rin was her own being, but she just fed off of Tora's nen. The troupe however, treated her as a tool to use for their harder missions since she could easily slip in and out of anywhere. Rin had always admired Katsu for his open mind, maybe more than she cared to admit.

"Why should I?" A female voice echoed through the room as Katsu sighed, "I'm a shadow. I don't need a license to do illegal shit."

A smirk played on Tora's lips as the elevator dinged, "True."

The siblings held their noses as they stepped into the foul sewer, accepting tags from a green creature, 'oh my god it smells like Uvo shit in here!' Tora cringed at the mental image of her fellow member being stark naked and taking a dump. She played with her tag, mentally preparing for the act she would put on during the examination. Her actions were solely based on her moment to moment desires and pleasures. She's selfish and only cares about events that directly affect her or the troupe. Revealing her true behavior would result in a massive target on her head, as the other applicants would want her out as soon as possible. The neko wasn't stupid – she knew she could take them all on at once and win, but she didn't think most of them were worthy of her talents. In a way, she was similar to Hisoka, from her whimsical behavior to her bloody kills. A psychologist would probably say her behavior is a result of her traumatic experiences as a child, but I'm still in high school so what do I know? She considers herself a modern day Robin Hood and as far as she's concerned, she wouldn't gain anything from their deaths. Her best option was to keep her hood on to remain mysterious until she got bored. Then she'd take it off and watch the applicant pool's reaction to a 'little girl' getting so far in the exam. Just the thought of their reaction sent a zip of excitement up her spine.

Speaking of excitement, the elevator dinged once more and out came Hisoka. Tora blew a raspberry at him as he approached her, "You're 45? Ha! I'm only 37! I'm shocked that you  really let Katsu-nii beat you in a race... you must be sick!"

The clown let a smirk climb onto his lips (wtf man I can't English) as he patted Tora's head, "I'm always amused when you pick a trope to act as.  Which will you be this time? Tsundere would be nice~"

"Tsundere? G-go away!"

"Maybe you should tie your hair into pigtails," Rin chuckled as he nibbled on his pocky, " it's a classic tsundere trait."


Not long after the conversation, Tora separated herself from the two troupe members to scope out the interesting applicants. Luckily for her, one came right to her.

"Hi! My name's Tonpa!" Someone she'd describe as a fatass waved as he approached her, "You must be a rookie! We can be friends!"

The brunette could smell his laxatives from a mile away' 'He's pretty slick, it's almost impossible for a human to smell the poison.' Unluckily for him, Tora wasn't an ordinary human.

The man smiled as he continued to talk about himself, eventually offering Tora a drink. He pulled out an orange soda can – which had the stench of the laxative seeping out – and held it out to her.

The neko took the soda can, turning her head away from the rookie crusher as she spoke, "F-fine. I'll take it. It's not like I'll like it or anything!"

The man who introduced himself as Tonpa smiled as she took a sip, " I'm sure you like it."

Tora smirked from beneath her hood. There was her opening, "I... I don't like it! I'll prove it to you! I'll give it to my nii-san!"

Tonpa smirked as she ran off, 'great. That'll be two birds with one stone.'

His smile however, it turned upside down when he saw that she handed it to a man conversing with Hisoka, "Shit!"


"So, princess," Hisoka purred as he patted my head, "Now that you've messed with someone will you stay with us? This year's applicants are quite boring, in my opinion. Why don't we play a card game, hmm~"

"Princess?" The neko asked skeptically, "and which card game?"

The jester chuckled at her behavior, "You're the boss's sister, princess. And we're playing slap jack."

She was the only member Hisoka considered possibly not killing... possibly. He looked at her devil-may-care smile from beneath her hood as he dealt the cards, 'she's far too interesting to kill with the rest of them.'


In the middle of the 23rd match of slapjack (which was supposed to be a tiebreaker), Hisoka nudged Tora, "Katsu is calling you."

She looked over at her brother, who stood with four familiar figures, "oh, the boat boys" she muttered as Hisoka placed a jack down and slapped it, "What! That isn't fair Hisoka!" She heard him chuckle at her tsundere imitation as she headed toward the boys.

I'm back! So... heyyyyyy. I'm going to camp for a week where there's no WiFi or electronics or anything... I'm really going so my friend Anna and I can prank people and watch girls from out school try to flirt (they suck)

Haha, I'll be entertained. I'm going on Saturday so I won't be posting between this Saturday and next Saturday. I'll make sure to... idek man. Record all my pranks or smth. Why am I still talking. Bye...

New banner btw... I don't know if I love it tho

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