Memories X and X Mothers

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Alrighty! Christmas pj pants check, out of fashion comfy t shirt check, hair air drying in a messy bun, check! Buckle your damn seatbelt, this is a deep chapter and it took a while.

"Tor" I heard Katsu's voice, barely above a whisper, "its time to wake up"
With my eyes still closed, I took my hand and gave his face a backhanded slap. Oops!
I love that he's scared to wake me up, apparently I let out heaps of bloodlust and attack them until I find out who it is.

I rolled out of the bed and onto the floor, internally screaming because I had to wake up. After about half an hour of whining and complaining to the floor and Aki's cat Ginger, I got up and combed my hair, putting it in a messy bun. When I left the bathroom, I saw Katsu and Aki, asleep. I snuck behind them and woke them up by slapping each of them upside the head.

====>>>>le lazy timeskip<<<<====

We arrived at the dock, everyone was staring at my jacket in astonishment. I scanned the dock, seeing Killua but not Leorio, Gon or Kurapika. I began to mentally freak out when I heard some bushes on the cliff moving. I sighed in relief when I saw my friends emerge, victorious. They held up their tags and waved at me, earning a small smile.

I walked over to Killua and ruffled the snowman's hair. He smirked and tried to jump on my back. Key word: tried. I grabbed his wrist and flung him over my head, throwing him to the ground gently. He rolled his eyes and pouted as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, face to face with blondie locks. He smiled at me for a fraction of a second before looking at my jacket, his eyes wide.

Is it that hard to have a little faith in my fighting skills? Okay, so maybe I went a little over the top with the badges but still!

I smirked at him before turning around and heading to the female bathroom, me being the only female in the exam, it was glorious, clean and quiet. I pulled out my phone and (you should know by now) turned on my Marina and The Diamonds playlist before hopping in the shower and changing into this:

 I pulled out my phone and (you should know by now) turned on my Marina and The Diamonds playlist before hopping in the shower and changing into this:

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(Except hair is blonde and brown)

A little extra, I know, but this has to be the final phase, based on the amount of applicants. Putting on my weapons, I felt the boat come to a stop as I looked out the window and saw a massive hotel. The hunter examination committee probably rented it or owned it. I flipped my long hair over my shoulder and walked out in the breeze, looking picture perfect as my cape flowed in the wind.

I walked with Hisoka in the tour group, not even bothering to listen to the orientation. Hisoka kept teasing me about being the 'queen of hearts' in my outfit. I rolled my eyes and playfully jabbed him with my elbow.

¥¥¥le time skip¥¥¥ because I can do as many as I want

The chairman pulled Aki and I aside after showing us the bracket, not including our pictures. "The two of you discovered the room without any hints, here are your licenses"

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