Chapter 19

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Leia pov
The new republic was building their capital on Chandrella, The people had elected Mon Mothma as the new Chancellor. With the help of the new empire, things were going smoothly, but Mandalore has been quite, we sent serval agents to find out was going on, what they reported back, was not pleasant, they had turned their worlds into one massive fortress, Doom and his new empire refused to fight them, saying that he will not fight when they have not done any wrong. I was waiting for a call from one of our agents, I didn't have to wait long, as he soon called in
"Senator Organa. This is agent mecko, its, they found out one of our agents, i.. I was there, but I couldn't do anything about it.. With out blowing my cover"
"Slow done agent, what happened out there"
"Its, the Mandalorians are under new leaders, Ezra, he... He executed our agent himself, in public"
"Hes taken it too far"
"Senator, they are looking for us now, Mandalores under complete lockdown till all our agents are found"
Another voice came through the com
"Hey you there, pit your hands up, spy"
"I can explain... I can.."
There was the sound of a gun hitting someones head, and then the sound of blaster fire, the com went dead
I looked up to see Chancellor Mothma standing in the door, next to Hera and Kanan
"Our agents have been compromised, Ezra has gone to the next step"
"We do not his plans, or if he is working for someone. What we do know, is that the empire visted him not long before their downfall"
Kanan was standing next to Hera, i was thinking,
"We need more information, we must do something, the Mandalorians could break the peace at any moment"
Mothma let out a heavy sigh
"The things we do for the new republic, will be what define us, if we are to keep the peace, then that job should be left to those who will see it right, i will call a senate meeting in the morning, till then, General Syndulla and Master Jarrus wish to speak with you"
Mothma left and i sat down, Hera and Kanan walked over
"Ezra is taking a path that i fear will lead him to his death"
"And so, what shall we do about it"
"I don't know, but Luke may know what to do, he wants to know if you will join us on a mission to Lothal"
"Lothal, why didn't he ask me himself"
"He, is busy, rebuilding the jedi order"
"Which is where you should be love"
"Hera. Luke asked me to be here, not there"
"So. What about Lothal"
"Luke feels there might be clues as to why Ezra and Sabine are acting the way they are, and if anyone survived the empires bombardment from orbit, he also still feels the planet, it is alive, and it is recovering, but slowly, there is something there that calls to use four, like we are to be there, a strong force presence, but in between the light and the dark, someone is calling to use four"
"So, im starting to feel it too, like, someone has a warning, information on whats going on"

Ezra pov

So, these are the spys in my mist, i look at them, the fear in their eyes is total, but on emust live to deliver a warning to the new republic, i stand up and study each one, i spot one, he looks like an ex imperial, perfect to send back, i look at the others, no need for them, i wave for the one i picked out earlier to be moved forward, i motion for the others to be killed, i made him turn around and watch as they were killed
"Your a monster"
"No, im a leader, and i want you to send a message to the new republic, stay out of my space, stay out of Mandalores business, we do not like sticky peaks, i have allies, high up, some far more powerful then you know"
I wave for my men to take him away, the only one ot leave my fortress is him.

Mothma pov
"So, we gather here to speak of what is happening on Mandalore..."
The room is burst into words, a figure walks in, i look up to see a pod, Doom is watching, next to Gaela, the figure walks next to him and delays a message, his pod emerges from the wall and flys over, my aid stands and yells
"Order, we must have order"
"Doom, you wish to speak"
"Yes, i have received a message from one of your agents, the Mandalorian leader, Ezra Shan Bridger ha skilled all but one of the agents sent there, the only left is now with his family, recovering from the sights he saw"
Another pod came around, a pod full of Tyleaks
"We have no prove of this, how can we trust you, you could turn us to ash with your warships"
"We do not go to war, or attack people without reason, and i have seen more and lived through more then you lot"
"So, we all have families to care about, who cares if the Mandalorians want to be left alone, they have their sector of space"
"You still don't get it, the talk of family is touching for Doom, you have no idea what he has been through, how would you like it"
"If you lost your parents to an orbital bombardment"
The room wnet quite, many were wondering, was he talking about Lothal, or another world
"If you don't mind, many here are confused with the world we are speaking about"
"Yes, my home system consists if seven worlds, each named Yullon one to seven, Yullon six was a hoilday resort and retirement world, my parents were there, then, the Chiss launched an attack, even after Thrawn told them not to, they bombed the world, killing millions, and leaving me and my brother with a deep hatred for Chiss"
"So, What about Thrawn now"
"He has refused my offers and pretend to join the rebellion, he has lost my respect and friendship, i hate him as much as any other Chiss"
The room was quite, no one dared speak, aat last another pod came down, it was Ackbar, with Luke
"Luke and i, had a little chat, we have decided that we should vote, should we put fleets around the borders of the Mandalorian system, or should we leave them alone, both me and luke agree that fleets should be placed at the borders, in case of an aggressive attack"
"Do we place ahips on their borders, or do we not, we have heard Dooms tale, now we must decide, is hi logic and care for others needed, or should it be put into the trash can"
The results were as expected, no one wants war, the fleets were being put around the Mandalorian system, and we were going to keep a close eye of all ships entering and exiting the system.

Ezra pov
They put fleets around my borders, they disregarded my warnning, my warriors have been preparing, we need a playground to play on, and the Galaxy is that playground, the Empire Of The Hand shall rule the Galaxy, and we shall be the ones to show our might, but only when the time is right, Sabine needs my attention, as she took some serious injuries when an agent got a clear shot at her, that agent is alive, but he was the one i let go....

Well, next chapter is up, how should the first order make their entrance, i want some ideas, also, what is it like with doom, no fanfiction story that i have read, has ocs that have such a developed backstory, Doom, is a beign of a mystery to many, but we are slowly uncovering his past, and his care for others really shows he is a good person, but some beings are going to stand in his way, some like Thrawn, Snoke and soon, Ezra and Sabine. Well, till next time, may the force be with you.

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