Chapter 1

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Ezra pov
We stood pn the balcony of the imperial putpost on Mandalore, it has been so long since i saw this world. Three Mandalorians landed on the platform
"You mother sent us ahead to warn you that this was a trap set to lire you in, your father is on his way to the capital for puplic execution"
"Kanan Jarrus, Ez..."
"I know who she is Fenn"
I walk up to The lead female Mandalorian, i stop and hug her
"Aunt Bo, its good to see you again"
She was surprised but hugged me back
"Nephew. It has been a while"
We separated and i turned around, Sabine had a look of confusion on her face, Kanan looked at me and Fenn was thinking
"Guys, this is Bo Katan of clan Kryze, she is my fathers sister and their sister once ruled over Mandalore"
"So shes your aunt"
"Yes, Bo, can i talk to you for a mintue, alone"
She waved her hand and the two other Mandalorians flew off, I motioned for Sabine to leave and she did with with the others.
"What did you want to talk about"
"My parents, are they really dead"
Family was a touchy subject for us, our clan family line has gone down so much pain and loss that lossing another two would be worse.
"Yes, they really are, me and a team of others were headed to rescue them, when we arrived, we saw they had killed your mother and then sliced your fathers head off"
So it is true, my parents are dead
"Then Sabines father must not suffer the same fate as my parents"
"I agree"
I turn around and walk inside, Bo following behind, we come out at the bottem to see a fighter had landed.
"Ezra, we always keep a spare set of armour fro female and male Mandalorians in the ship, go and put some on, you will need it"
"Yes aunt"
I walk into the fighter and see the armour, i place it on and walk tot he ramp
Sabine pov
"He should be coming down soon"
I turn and see Ezra walk down the ramp, he has everything, a full suit, his helmet is in his hand, i rurn and see Fenn is quite impressed, I doubt he ever thought he would see a jedi Mandalorian. Kanan is standing back, knowing that there are now two Mandalorians in the crew.
"We should rescue my father now"
"Yes, lets go"
After rescuing Sabine Father
Ezra pov
I walked up to the reunited family, i smiled at the fact that Sabine ahd a whole family, but i was the only one in a clan.
"So you must be the Mandalorian jedi"
"Yes, im part jedi"
"Your family line, where did it start"
"It starts at least back tot he years of the old republic, back with Revan and Bastila Shan"
"I see, so you are related to the Shans, and the Mandalorian half"
"The start of Clan Kryze, im the last of house Bridger though"
"I see"
"we should get going, we have a camp to return to"
"I agree Newphew, lets go"
The ramp lowers and we walk out,
"I was to give you the darksaber, you are the new Mandalor my lady"
Bo holds up the saber and i see others kneel down infront,
"Clan Kryze is at your command, clan fett is ready to command, clan visla is ready to command"
"You have the support of clan Wren"
"You have my support, you have the support of clan bridger, aunt"
"The protectors are ready to serve"
"Then we should begin, the fight for Mandalore begins at dawn"
I walk over to Kanan, he is with Sabine talking.
"So, Kanan"
"We should get going"
"Im sorry Kanan, i must support my aunt in freeing Mandalore from the empire"
"What about Lothal, your home"
"This is my home Kanan, i was born here, this is where I belong, we shall meet again"
"Im staying as well, Ezra helped free my family from the empire, now i wish to return the favour by freeing his home"
"Sabine, you don't have to, "
"Im going to stay, i will not run from a fight Ezra"
"I know, theres no point in attempting to stop you, lets go"
"May the force be with you Kanan, always"
"And let it be with you too Ezra"
I turn around and walk towards the camp with Sabine, the battle for Mandalore is about to begin.
We walk into the command tent and see Ursa, Sabines father, Tristan, Bo, Fenn and some of the clan leaders standing around a holotable, i walk up with Sabine, she stands with her family and i stand next to Bo opposite her
"Its time to ser in motion our plans for the attack on the surrounding imperial held citys, Ezra, you shall lead a force of your choosing, you are in command off liberating this city"
"Yes Mandalor"
"Who do you choose my nephew"
"I choose Clan Wren to assist me"
"We shall go if he wishs for us to assist"
"Good, Fenn, you shall take a clan and liberate this city, i will take clan kryze and free this city, we shall all meet back up at this location with for the next phase of the attack"
"Yes Mandalor the free"
I walk out off the tent and Sabine comes up next to me
"Why did you choose us to assist you"
"Because i have seen how you clan fights, i know that I have the best chance of being a successful leader with you lot"
"Thats not all is it"
"No its not, but time shall reveal why"
"Then let us go our separate ways and meet back up tomorrow at dawn for the attack"
"Lets go"

My next book, this is not related to my ALL HAIL THE EMPIRE series, but is a different book taking place in an alternative universe after the first battle on Mandalore, we shall go in depth more on Doom in this story as well, he will be more of an anti hero then the main villain, as i have greater plans for the empire this time, we shall see what time has in store for us, an now, i am going to start a SabEzra short story book soon, more on that when i release it. For the time being, may the force be with you till next chapter or the shoet story book.

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