Chapter 14

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Ezra pov
I was meditating when i felt thousands of people die, i opened my eyes fast and looked up, i saw Zeran loonking at me, he two had felt the deaths. I stood up and walked over to the bench, i looked at the datapad, i picked it up and looked at it, the latest news was that the empire had done an orbital bombardment on Lothal, and serval fleets of rebel ships were moving to defend worlds across the Galaxy. Doom has already moved into the next stage of his plan, he is going to defend all worlds and defeat the empire, preventing any more worlds from sharing the same fate as Lothal. But does he have the amount of ships he needs to do so, and the men, or is the empire attempting to draw the rebels out.
I sense Sabine walk into the room and walk over to me, she places a hand on my shoulder, i turn and look at her
"Thrawn wishs to speak with you"
I nod and walk to the Throne room, i sit down on my Throne, Sabine in hers, Zeran stands off to the side, watching, i see serval death troopers walk in, followed by two figures, one is Thrawn, the other is unknown to me, but she is strong in the force. I watch them approach, i lift my hand, signalling for them to come to no further.
"An interesting fortress you have Bridger"
I look at him and speak
"Im not here to play games Thrawn, speak your purpose"
Thrawn looks at the female and then back at me, i look at him
"I have come to offer your kind a place in the empire that will succeed this one, a place that will ensure Mandalore is ledt alone by the current empire"
I look at him, then i look at Sabine, she nods at me and i turn back
"Im in no mood to play sides Thrawn, i am loyal to Mandalore and that is all"
"I did not ask for your loyalty, just a spot for protection"
I laugh and speak again
"Protection, Mandalorians don't need protection, we are warriors, and besides that, were good friends with the new empire, who like us are warriors too, now get ou tof my sight"
Thrawn looks at his female companion and then back at me, he is not done yet
"I expected this would be the case, but the new empire will fall along with the rebellion, and when that happens, who will you look to in your darkest times"
"Correct me if im wrong, but didn't we Mandalorians defeat your empire here on Mandalore, my elite squad took down a star destroyer, what would you hope to accomplish by being here"
Thrawn looks again at his female companion and then back at me, he clears his throat and speaks again
"The empire is crumbling under its own emperor, many in my forces agree with me and see it too, but i know the threats in the unknown regions, far better then Doom and his empire do, for they have to much power that these threats target others, an i am familiar with many of them, including some of the more dangerous ones out there, lurking close to the edge of the Galaxy"
I look at Thrawn and then around, i stand up and walk over to the side
"Thrawn, a walk in private if you can"
Thrawn follows and we walk out ono the balcony of my fortress,
"You see all this, i too may not know what is in the Unknown regions, but i have my forces, this is all mine, i have been preparing for this threat lurking near the edge of the Galaxy, my clan has been ever since one of Revans Mandalorian allies had a run in with them, i am preparing for their arrival, but i need more information about them, and i know you want to defeat them, if i take a spot in your empire after the current one, what will you do to help stop this threat, will Mandalore still be able to control its own space, and if so, you should be talking to my aunt, Bo Katan about this spot, she is the Mandalor. I only rule over half the system for her, and if so, will this be kept secret, I don't want anyone to know other then us two"
Thrawn is still looking out over the land, many of the spots I pointed to have small bits of metal sticking out, at last he replies to my question
"I see your logic behind your point, i have done my research into this threat as well, but i know that we will need more, if this threat is to be truly removed from the Galaxy, the new empire needs to wipe out the current empire and help both the new republic and the following empire rise from the ashes of the old, i have come to you, as i can trust you more then your aunt, but if i must talk to her, i will, i came to you, because i knew you would not shoot me down like you aunt, but if soo, challenge her for leadership over Mandalore, and you could have all the clans preparing for this threat"
"Yes, now who is your companion"
"Now is not the time, but first, do you accept"
"I accept, but i wish for no imperial ships to be left in orbit"
"Then it is your command, and this will stay between us"
We walked back into the throne room, i sat down and waved for them to leave, once they had left i looked at Sabine
"So, what did you say out there"
"I accepted his offer, but with some of my own terms added, no imperial ships are to be left in orbit, and this is to stay a secret till the right time"
"And his female companion"
"He would not tell me till it was the right time"

Well, another chapter done, till next time, may the force be with you

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