Chapter four

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Thrawn pov
The art of this rebellion is intriguing, different cultures, all forming one group, to fight the empire, Mandalorians, tylewks, lasats, duros and many others. A new image had entered the room, I retracted from my studys.
"Commander Faro, any news on the rebellions base"
Commander faro had become Thrawns right hand after Eli Vanto left for the Chiss. She stood straight and ready, she spoke.
"No Grand Admiral, but we have detected a rebel fighter enter the system"
I turned around, I narrowed my eyes and spoke
"The type of ship and who it belongs to"
"It is a Kor'mark fighter"
"I believe the rebel artist has come to Lothal for a sneak attack, let her pass but ensure that our forces are ready to capture her on the ground, if she leaves, have a ship pull trap her"
"Yes Grand Admiral"
Commander faro turned around and left my office, i tirned back and looked back over the holos of the art of the rebels. In due time, i will crush them.
Sabine pov
I guided the ship in, I guess Thrawn believes me to be another Mandalorian coming in to check on security. I landed the ship close to the main city and lowered the ramp, i walked down the ramp and what i saw next was unexpected.
"Sabine Wren, Thrawn wants you alive, so I suggest that you surrender now"
I looked around and saw that i was outmatched, i looked at Pryce, she had won here, but my friends would come for me, i hoped they knew what i was doing. I layed down my weapons and put my hands up, Pryce walked up to me and hit me in the head, all went dark.
I opened my eyes and rubbed my head, what happened, then it all came back to me, the landing, being outgunned, Thrawn. I looked over at the door and saw Thrawn enter.
"Your awake miss Wren, good, i have a few questions i want to ask you"
I look at him as he walks forward, what does he want from me, im not here to cause trouble.
"What do you want"
"I want to know why you are here on Lothal, by yourself, its not like you rebels to travel alone"
"To answer your question, I didn't come here on rebel business, i came here looking for clues"
"I find your excuse to be pointless miss Wren, and if ypu did ome on your own business, you should know that your wanted by the empire"
"Well, when im wanted by the empire, it doesn't matter when im looking for a lost friend"
"Lost friend miss Wren, let me ask, where is Bridger, he is always traveling with you, you two are inseparable"
"That is who im looking for ypu blue skinned alien"
"I must say, you are getting aggressive, where is the rebel base"
"I don't know, they may have moved since the last time i saw them"
"You are implying that ypu have left the rebellion for other reasons"
"What other reasons do you think"
"You and Bridger must have come together and left for a peaceful life"
My face went red when he said that but I quickly removed the emotion.
"No, i left for my people. So did Ezra"
"Then i must ask why has Bridger not come back to lothal then"
"Because he is a...."
"How did you know"
"Its not everyday day that you get word form Mandalore that one of your rebel enemies is fighting in Mandalorian armour with a lightsaber, i have concluded that it was indeed Ezra Bridger thanks to your unknowingly help"
I realised my mistakeq, bit i knew he couldn't do anything about it, he was the last of his clan, and the other clans were too strong to deal with now.
"I must say, a member of Clan Bridger is a rare sight now days, having been removed from the galaxy at the early years of the empire, if i recall, they were one of the first worlds along with the lasats to rebel openly against the empire, but payed the ultimate price, there once grand world was reduced to rubble and history once the empire was done with them"
"You did what"
"Oh yes, I remember visiting the world myself once, a long time ago, it was in wild space, a distance from Mandalore but nonetheless a once grand world, I wonder what has become of it now, i know of a race that take worlds in once they have studied it, I wonder if they have done that"
The door opens again, this time a male humanoid figure walks in, he is different to other humans but he has features similar to Thrawn, Thrawn turns around and sees the figure, he stands for a few seconds and then speaks
"Droom, it has been a while"
"Mitth'raw'nuruodo, i must say, what have you gotten yourself into now"
"Crushing rebellions and helping a grand empire"
"No, Thrawn, this empire is not grand, it is killing innocent people all the time, with no care for aliens, you are only in ypur place becasue of the emperor, bit when he dies, you will be thrown out, you know that as well as i do that the force always had different plans for you, its time to acknowledge them"
"How did you get on my ship"
"A simple nod of kindness and old friendship, that and i little help from a jedi friend, now, i must ask you to relase this young women, she is not to be here"
I spoke up
"Then where am i ment to be"
That world is unknown to me, what is it
"The homeworld of clan Bridger, Doom, your saying that the person she is looking for is on Zar"
"Yes, i will escort out but you will leave to join the rebellion"
"And if i refuse"
"You, of all people should know what i can do Mitth'raw'nuruododo, don't make me show you who the superior fighter is again"
"Of course not, i still have the pains from the first time we went at it, most in my left arm"
Thrawn was beaten by someone, thats new
I felt the cuffs on me being released, i stood up and Doom grabed my shoulder and escorted me to my ship
"Goodbye Sabine Wren, i hope we meet again in the future, if not, pass my thanks on to Ezra for pointing me in a direction that will helps lots of innocent people, till next time"
"I see, i will pass your thanks on to Ezra when i see him, if i see him, i have lots to think about, but i hope we can fight side by side oneday, your a good man, but how old are you"
"Im over 4100 years of age Sabine, im still quite young for my kind, being only in my teen years but i am more responsible then others, i have after all, an empire to run and an empire to crush"
"Then i hope we meet again, i wish to know more about this empir eyou rule over"
"Then maybe Ezra can give you some overview, he has been told stories of my kind for years, he knows more then others about my empire, but i have a planet to free, i will see you again"
I walked up into the cokcpit and took off, next stop, Zar, where i will hopefully run into Ezra, and then apologise to him and ask him about Dooms kind, if only some would tell me the truth, if only many Mandalorians knew the truth abou tmy feelings towards Ezra, but now is not the time, the time will be right when it is best suited, in the meantime, im glad Wedge hasn't called about asking me on a date or anything, but i must pray that he never does, one day, my mother will kill him for Wedge is a jerk, she knows my feelings towards Ezra, she supports me, bring clan Bridger into our clan would increase pur status as warriors but i am in love with Ezra, it will be what drives me, nothing else but my love for him.
Ezra pov
I sat meditating, i was learning new techniques with the force, but I couldn't focus enough
"Troubled you are hmmmm"
"Who are you, i know your voice but"
"But do not remember me, do you, only the force, will tell you that"
"Master yoda, can you help me"
"Help you, i can, but first, clear your mind, we must"
"How do i do that"
"Put aside your fears, know them not to be true, look into yourself, you grandfather will guide you from there"
"I will do as you say master Yoda"

Blah blah blah, long chapter yes but Sabezra is important to keep this community togeather, sooooo, the next chapter of this book is up but i will post another one shortly to maek up for yesterdays miss.

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