Chapter 15

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Thrawn pov
The fleet had moved to a new system, my mission was proving effective, i had called the fleet to Jakku, for an operation that the emperor had given me, the empires time was coming fast, and i had gathered all i needed, all those who are worthy of being in a new empire, i had them gather here.
Some one walked up beside me
"And where are we headed now Grand Admiral"
"My dear Mara, we have gathered all that the emperor deemed worthy of starting a new empire with, and now we shall be jumping to a world in the unknown regions, my homeworld to be exact. Are you familiar with the imperial aid and lieutenant commander Eli Vanto"
"Im not sure that i am Grand Admiral"
"Well, he was my aid, i had sent him ahead to prepare for when the tome came for us to move put, i have been given permission to start my empire by the emperor, i am to stay out of the known Galaxy with all that are worthy, we shall begin at my homeworld, the royal family should be expecting us"
"You hide something, the real reason you came to the empire"
I look at Mara and hiss, i quickly calm down
"Im sorry, but when people start to go deeper into me, my Chiss side of things, the primal part of every being, starts to show, now, we shall not talk about that"
"Grand Admiral, all ships are in position"
"Good, tell them to jump at once"
I turn back and look out the window as the all too familiar lines and blueness off hyperspace appear

Doom pov
"I don't care of you want me to wait for the rest of the rebellion, im going to start my attack at once"
It kills me to see how much the rebellion forgets that i rule the most feared empire in the unknown regions, it seems they forget that i am over 4000 years old, I remember meeting Revan, i know what makes a battle tick, i am Doom, and i am fear, but i am also hope, the hope this rebellion needs to win this war.
"Fleet Admiral Doom, your forces are to wait till the rest of the rebellion fleet shows up so that we..."
I let my rage show for just a second, the look at Mon Mothmas face shows that she was not expecting my sudden outburst of rage
"Im sorry, but i must tell you that my plan accounts for everything, your ships can't take direct combat against a star destroyer, no less thousands of them, you know how well defended the empires capital is, and you know as well as others that i am the only one with the ships to last long enough, if i engage first, my ships will have drawn the empires attention and firepower, then, when your fleets drop in, if an imperial ship even dares to try and move, it will see its mistake, if my forces are in direct combat with them, then they cannot move to intercept you"
"Because they will be torn to shreds, i see your logic now Doom, but i still insist"
"Im done talking with you, my plans are fine, my mind is focused on combat, im not part of your rebellion, im just here for the combat, i have already called in reinforcements from my empire led by an agent, she will be here soon, and when she arrives, i will continue my plans, and we shall show you how a warrior race does combat, you may show mercy, but those that refuse to surrender will die, now, if your done attempting to get me to wait, you will go with my plan or not interfere at all, talk to Jyn, she has seen the firepower of my ships first hand, or ask thoses imperial prisoners that were captured at scaif, they saw the deathstar explode, they saw what my forces can do, my weapons system are deadly, Jyn will inform you off my ultimate weapon, now good bye for now"
I turned the holo off, she still doesn't understand my kind, or my forces, she just has to see us in action and then she will understand why i do this, why i go to war with people, it is my duty to the Galaxy, it is our duty to the Galaxy, the Yul exist to prevent empires from killing millions, it is my goal to remove the empire this day.

Unknown pov
The fleets dropped out of hyperspace, i hope my lord enjoys this fight, i know i will. He still needs to find one to love, and i know who he should love.... Me. I walk over to the holo projector and wait for Droom to call to, I didn't have to wait long, as soon his image flashed to life
"Lord Droom, we are here and ready"
"No need to call me that Gaela Mer, i have already had my captain give out my orders, I request you presence on the Devastator"
"Yes Droom God"
The call ended, i smiled, hes progressed, iwalked out and over to my personal fighter, I remember the day Droom taught me how to fly and fight in fighter combat to the best of my ability, he taught me all i knew now that i think back over it.

I walked onto the bridge of the Devastator, i never once thought i would be called on board this legendary ship, the amount of battles its gone through, the amount of system changes ot has done through, it has become a ship of legend in Yul culture, many wish to stand on it, even touch it, but my tribe was never this close to it, i am the first in my tribe to be here, i walk up to Droom.
"You summoned me Droom"
"Yes, Gaela, i want you to fight with me in the skys, you dod bring your fighter"
"Im never without it"
I turn and follow him over to the holo table, this layout is effective in cordination, the fact that this resembles an imperial star destroyer is amazing, but the empire seemed to degrade the ship class adding in more easy to access weakness such as poor engines, and poor shield generator placement as well as giveing the trench that runs alongside either side of the ship no weapons to stop fighters, the reactor is in an open spot with a small buldge on the bottem. But this ship, this is the ship that hides away most of the weaknesses, while adding in additional armour and forepower, the holo showed an image of the empires capital, i looked at the fleet setup, poor defensive setup, not a good placement to qucikly intercept attacking forces, they want to have their forces out further so that they are in range of attacking forces when they drop out of hyperspace.
"Your thoughts on the set up Gaela"
"They have set up in poor places, if the attacking force has longer weapon range, they will be taking damage before they get into range"
"Good, we have longer range, but i wish for them to see what they are up against first, so we will play into their trap, then turn it against them"
I then see it, thats it, the empire wants us to enter their trap, so that they can attack us, but we are going to turn it against them
"We shall be sending in a small fleet to trigger the trap, then the rest of us shall jump in, lead by the Devastator, we shall lead the attack fighters, while Fleet Admiral Kun leads the main ships from here"
"Then what are we waiting for"
"The signal"

And the second last stand of the Galactic empire is set, first the emperor shall die, then we shall see some super deadly force powers, then we check out how Ezra and Sabine are going. So, last jedi out tomorrow, im already, got my snoke lego minifig all ready, and snoke shall be coming into the story later on as well as Thrawns empire which has already got the seeds ready to grow, a secon dchapter shall be up later.

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