Chapter nine

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Unknown pov
Many may think i have joined the rebellion, but i am infact, now i spy on it from the inside, under the codename imperial agent Nuro, i must gather and report back all I find, this is the imperials way of getting back at the rebels fulcrum agents. I walk along the base, many give me looks, I ignore them and continue on to the hangar where i can head out to a temple that had been abandoned for years, never touched by the rebels. I enter the hangar and walk to a speeder, i hop on and move out, heading into the forest, i make my way to the temple, once there, i get off and walk inside, once inside, i oull out a comminicator, i turn it on and speak.
"This is imperial agent Nuro reporting, i have gathered more vital information on the rebels, recently, Ezra Bridger and Sabine. High valued targets returned to base to gather some equipment, one of them, Ezra Bridger shot and killed Wedge Antillies protecting Sabine Wren, the two then returned to where thay came from, in other news, the Yul have kept low, only fighting when needed, they may soom see no need to be here and leave"
I waited for the response, it came through
"Very good agent Nuro, stay and gather more information, once the Yul have left for good, inform us and we shall begin our attack"
I then remembered something, i spoke again
"The crew of the ghost is heading on a mission to Dantooine in a few hours"
I wait again
"Very good, i will have the forces stationed there alerted but not to engage until they are on the ground, if they escape, then the ships will engage, continue your mission agent, if you get the chance, kill Senator Mon Mothma in secret"
"Yes Grand Admiral"
I key off the com and and walk back outside the temple, i make my way back to the rebel base, to gather my next lot information.
Ezra pov
I sat on the world of Concord Dawn, i had a building built for me to live in. I sat on my throne here, here, i was who they reported to, when my aunt vists, she is to be reported to, i had many Mandalorian systems under my control, including many clans such as clan Wren, for me to have such a high role in the new Mandalorians, i must be ready for anything. I looked up to see Sabine walking up with an imperial agent behind her.
I sensed his fear when he saw me on my throne, i look at him and then at Sabine
"What have we here"
"An imperial spy"
I smile, i stand up and walk over to him, i pick him up with the force and speak
"Why are you here imperial scum, I don't want any of your filth in my palace"
"I bring a message, from Darth Vader"
I let him go and sit back down on my throne, i look at him
"Speak it then you filth"
He gulps and then begins
"Lord Vader is impressed that you manged to kill his apprentice, but he wishs to speak to you in person, if you are willing to accept his invitation to Mustafar for a meeting..."
I cut him off
"I will not be leaving this world unless i have too, if Vader wants to see me in person, he can come here, now leave and tell him this"
I watch as the imperial spy runs out, i smile and turn to Sabine
"Make sure that he gets out alive"
"Yes Ezra"
I watch her leave my throne room, i look back down and continue to think, i hear footsteps come into the room, i look up again to see a solider walk in i look at him and wonder what he has to say, i see Sabine come in after him and walk up to me
"The spy made it our alive"
I nod and look at the solider infornt of me
"What is it"
"We received a distress call from Dantooine, the crew of the Ghost are calling for help, they were caught in a trap"
I wave for him to move out, i look at Sabine and nod
"We said we would always be there to help them, now we help them, gather the forces for combat, i must speak to my aunt off this"
I stand up and walk out of the throne room and into the communications room, i stand at the holo table and key in Bo Katana number, she soon appears
"Is something wrong my nephew"
"No, but i must leave with some soliders to rescue some friends at Dantooine, we are the closest and we are the only ones who can make it in time"
"Then go, we must have as many allies as possible if we are to survive this coming war"
"Yes Mandalor"
The image vanishes and i walk out to my fighter, i see Sabine is ready and waiting
"Lets go"
The fighter drops out of hyperspace and i guide it into battle, i look at Sabine and she nods
I hear the voice of the fleet admiral in charge of teh imperial fleet.
"Surrender rebels and join your friends on my star destroyer, if not, then you shall die"
I key it off and fly towards the flagship of the imperial fleet, i only hope that Doom gets here soon. I land the ship and check my weapons, i look at Sabine and she nods, i walk down the ramp and move forward, Sabine stays to gaurd the ship, i make my way through the ship, killing imperials and stormtroopers on my way to the brig, i come to the brig and use the force to find them
Kanan pov
I feel someone nearby, i feel them coming closer, i hear the sound of blaster fire and then an explosion.
Hera pov
I hear blaster fire and then an explosion, i look up at the cell door to see it open, standing in the door was Ezra
"Are you coming or what now, we don't have all day"
I nod and we get up and follow him, we retrace the path he had taken to the hangar to see Vader standing in the hangar, Ezra stops and sees Sabine cuffed and close to Vaders Stormtrooper captain.
Ezra pov
I see Sabine, cuffed up, i look at Vader, and he looks at me
"You must be very powerful to have killed my apprentice Bridger"
I smile and look at him
"Only that I didn't kill him, my anscetor did"
"Your anscetor cannot save you this time, or the one you love, only you can"
"So what do you want"
"Join me and togeather we can rule the galaxy as master and apprentice"
I laugh his offer off and speak
"I think i shall decline that, i already rule over half of Mandalores systems, now if you don't mind, i would like Sabine back"
I use the force to pull Sabine to me, she lands in my hands and i use the force to pull up a barrier, something i learned from Grinder, i cut her cuffs and then look back at Vader, he is approaching slowly
"Take them and make a run for the ship, i will meet you guys back on Concord Dawn, i must face my duty and avenge my clan by killing Vader"
"Ezra, revenge isn't the jedi way"
"Kanan, i must due as my duty tells me, i must follow my clans key ideas, and to stay true to my heritage, i must obey them, now go, i will see you again on Concord Dawn"
I ignite my blade and charge at Bader, the force barrier all but gone, he brongs his blade up and blocks mine, i stand back and hold my blade up, i watch as the fighter takes off, with the crew safe and gone, i stand back some more.
"You will not be leaving this ship alive Bridger"
I smile
"I beg to differ Vader, but i was trained for this moment, everything i went through, all i did was preparing me for this fight, now i shall have revenge"
I charge at Vader and slice down. He blocks and i stand back, my anscetors gave me power to use in this battle, and i shall use it all, but i want this fight to be good, so i will use little at a time, Vader swings at me and i block, he swings again and i block, he slices from the side and i duck under him, i move back and bring my blade up to block his. I move my blade forward, getting him in a saberlock
"You must be angry to use this much force in battle Bridger"
"Im only just getting warmed up"
I break the saberlock and move back, i use the force to throw serval things at Vader, i pick up a tie fighter and throw it at him, he uses the force to throw it away. I stand back and allow him to move forward, he brings his blade up and strikes at me from above, i block his blade and counter attack, he comes again only for me to block him. I see him move and attempt another strike at me, i jump over him and block his next attack. He moves back. His breathing is heavy, and getting faster, he is using energy, and his suit should run out off power eventually, if it uses power. I move forward and we start to circle
"You really think you can defeat a Sith Lord Bridger"
"No, I believe i can avenge my clans death by killing you"
I keep moving, waiting for him to strike, he moves an di bring my blade to block his, we move back and make our way down to a corridor of the ship, we continue to move through the ship, striking at each other and blocking, we make our way to the reactor room where we continue to fight. We come to a point where we stand still, facing each other, our breathing had increased duing our fight, i look at him, and he looks back, i smile, my last bit poff power can be used now
"You underestimate the power of the darkside of the force young Bridger"
I smile and stand straight, my balde infront of me, i pull out a second blade, and ignite it, Vader stands back, he recognises the blade
"The blade of Revan, you are no ordinary Bridger"
"I am the decedent of Revan, i am the on of Mira Shan and Ephrim Bridger, i am jedi, i am sith, i am Mandalorian, i am the ultimate Warrior, i am Ezra Shan Bridger of Zar, i am your nightmare, i am your fear, i am going to kill you"
I charge at Vader, he moves back but i slice at him from two sides, i slice his hand holding his blade, it falls down off the walkway, i slice his leg off with the other blade, he falls down and i walk up to him
"You failed, now i shall avenge my clan"
I slice at his head, removing it form his body, i look at it, then i remember that a battle should be going on outside, i turn and run, i make my way to the hangar and see a shuttle, i see the fleet admiral walking up the ramp, i use the force to pull him out and i run up it, i move into the cockpit and kill the imperials inside, i sit down and guide the shuttle out of the doomed star destroyer. I key in Dooms number and tell him of the ship i stole, I jump to hyperpsace, hrading towards Concord Dawn.

Long chapter but well worth it, next chapter up soon.

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