Chapter ten

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Sabine pov
We were waiting for Ezra to return, we in the throne room waiting, I couldn't get the thought out of my mind that he wasn't going to return, that he was dead. I heard the door open, but I ignored it, probably just Zeb or Kanan going out. I keep my focus on my thoughts, he should be back, he may be dead, if he is dead, what should i do then, i would never get to tell him how i feel. I feel someone sit next to me but I ignore them, only my thoughts matter, i heard someone's voice, but it sounded like.... Like... Ezra. I open my eyes and see Ezra sitting next to me, i turn and jump on him, hugging him
"Your safe, your alive, im sooooo glad"
Ezra returns the hug and replies
"Im safe, Vaders dead,my clan has been avenged, now i must focus on the last key idea of my clan, destiny"
I look into his eys, and he looks into mine. I feel so many emotions at once, happiness, joy, sadness, anger, but the one that stands out the most was love. I lay my head on his should and speak into his ear, now was my only chance, i closed my eyes
"Ezra, i love you"
I waited for the rejection, but it never cam, instead i felt his lips on mine, i opened my eyes to see he was smiling at me, he opend his mouth and spoke
"I love you too Sabine"
I smile at him and he smiles back i hug him and he hugs me
"Nothing can come between us Ezra, nothing"
I looked up to see Leia had walked into the room
I saw her face, her expression changed in a sudden form happiness to anger in a second, he moved forward, she moved fast
"How dare you take Ezra away from me"
I wave my blaster in her face and she slaps it away
"Go away Leia, go cry to your father that someone beat you to Ezra, im sure he would care"
Leia turned around and walked to the door
"I will have a bounty olaced on your head for this Sabine, and the best will be after you"
"Well, Ezra has friends in high places, and a friend among the best bounty hunters, so good luck to that"
"Well see about that"
"Oh and Ezra just killed Darth Vader"
I watched leia stop in her tracks, she then continued on her original path. She walked out the door of the throne room
"We may need a second thron Ez"
"I agree Sabine"
Leia pov
"A bounty has been placed on Ezra and Sabines head, now we sit back and wait for them to arrive"
"Thank you Senator, it is a shame that Ezra killed Wedge, now that they both betrayed the rebellion, we must have them hunted down"
Third person pov
Bounty hunters from across the galaxy moved in for the new bounty, the ship slave one was in hyperspace, Boba saw the two bountys.
"Now who whould place a bounty on them, they love each other. It says from the rebellion, time to pay them a vist"
Rebel solider pov
I saw a ship land, it matched that of the slave one, the ship of Boba fett, i saw him walk down, his weapons we armed and ready, he wasn't here for the bounty, i look at my fellow troops and we aim at him, he moves forward.
Boba pov
How nice, the rebels want to play, i aim my blaster and fire at them, taking them down, i fire a rocket from my wrist, sending a group up on flames, i move forward, taking out many more rebels till i came to the command centre.
"What ia the meaning off this Mandalorian"
"The names Boba Fett, and im here to find out who placed the bounty of Ezra and Sabine"
In an instant, i saw the rebels point their fingers at two females, i look at them and recornise one of them
"Well, if it isn't Leia Organa, and whos this, Senator Mon Mothma, well, im must say, the bounty on your heads i high, but no one places a bounty on Ezra and Sabines head when im alive"
"And why would you care"
"Because i have know Ezra since he was a child, i placed him on Lothal for protection as his parents told me to do, i latter helped free Mandalore in my fathers honour, and met him and her then, i saw they loved each other and i swore an oth that day, that if a bounty was placed on their heads  i would hunt down the ones who did it and kill them, well it seems im going to have to explain to your father why your dead then Leia"
I activated my flame thrower, killing the rebel troopers near me, i turnt o see the two had run, i followed, soon i came across a jedi, i ignored him adn continued on, following them, eventually i came to them, they were boarding a ship, and by the looks of the ship, it was the ghost, i looked behind me to see many troops behind me, their weapons aimed at me. I turned around, forgetting them, i took tl the air and fired down form above, killing many before firing my jetpack rocket at a bunch of fuel cells.
Agent Nuro pov
The bounty hunter fired at the fuel cells i was next to, in an instant i was blown up along with many around me.
Boba pov
I watched the carnage unfold, i flew back to my ship and took off, heading towards Concord Dawn, hopefully i could intercept any bounty hunters before they took the life of Ezra or Sabine.

Interesting chapters so far, should doom betray the rebellion and leave the to die, or should he eradicate all and take over the galaxy. Now, Ezra fighting Vader gave Sabine the courage to tell Ezra how she felt for him, next time, we look into how Vader first wiped out clan Bridger and killed Mira Shan. But till next time, maythe force be with you.

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