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Next day...

Kagome was sitting by the window yet again, as she looked at the scenery outside. The soft sound of music was flowing around her, as Haruhi and one of her guests were dancing on the floor.

After she left, it turns out that Tamaki stated that Haruhi must attend the party, and learn how to dance as well, or else her actually being a girl will be revealed. If it was, she would be forced to work as an errand girl again. The party was in a week, so that should give Haruhi plenty of time, yet for the moment Tamaki didn't look too happy.

He was in his depressed mode, yet strangely enough he wasn't in a corner sulking, instead he was sitting at a window, like her, and looking at the floor with a gloom expression on his face. If that didn't beat all, he had this heavy aura around him which didn't suit him well-- It was moments like these she would be smirking at the fallen prince's attitude, but today she didn't feel like it...

"What about you Kagome?" Hikaru asked with a smirk on his face. The twins suddenly appearing beside her.

"Yeah, if Haruhi has to go to the party you have to as well..." Kaoru continued.

"That means that you have to know how to dance." They told her with a grin.

"If you are trying to imply that I can't dance... you're wrong." She burst their bubble, speaking in a bored tone.

"Oh, so you can dance, uh?" They had a slightly sour look on her face. "Then prove it." Their smirk returned.

"..." She just continued to look out the window, not really in the mood to punch them in the face...

"Hmm, so you can't dance then uh--" They paused when they felt the strong touch of Mori, as he placed his hand onto their shoulders. Looking away from her they focused their eyes up at him.

"That's enough..." He told them.

They sighed, but then just shrugged and left, not really caring. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, before looking back out the window. He walked up to her, and then placed his hand onto her shoulder in silent reassurance.

"I'm fine..." She told him, closing her eyes.

"You can't dance, can you?" He suddenly asked, thinking that's what was bothering her. Her face dropped, and she almost fell over at his question-- What?!

"Oh brother..." She mumbled to herself, as she reached up and rubbed her face in slight annoyance. She sighed. "If I said no, would you teach me?" She asked, obviously joking.


When she didn't receive an answer she removed her hand and looked up at him. Her mouth opened, slightly ajar, when she saw a small blush was placed onto his cheeks. He gave a cough, and looked away from her, as if embarrassed that she would ask him-- You can't be serious... Did he not know she was joking?

"..." She released a heavy sigh, yet she closed her eyes, a small laugh threatened to escape her lips. She then looked up at him with a soft expression. "I feel better now, thank you..."

He was somehow, yet again, able to lighten up her mood...


Kagome was still sitting at the window, yet this time she had more enthusiasm as she looked around the room. Haruhi was still trying to learn how to dance, while the woman she was with calmly instructed her, soft music playing in the background.

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