Of The Memories So Warm • 22

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   "We're all stuck in a twisted, unfair game with life itself."
      –Bad Girls

A/N: Raise you're hand if you snort when laughing too hard.

You pushed your face off of the ground and lifted your body from the uncomfortable position you ended up in. The damage was horrible. Everything around you was burning and looking just as destroyed as the rest of the planet. You were kind of glad to see it this way though. Your beloved child wouldn't have to grow up on Megatron's world, or at least, not yet.

You offered Knockout a servo and helped him off of the ground. He checked to make sure his paint wasn't ruined before walking over join Starscream and Soundwave. You saw him cough and gasp at the sight of the wreckage.

"Guess we should cancel the welcome-home party," The doctor joked. Starscream angrily slashed the grounder's chassis with his claws. You jumped backwards as to not receive anymore injuries. You bit your derma again—irritating the bruise on it even more—as you watched your only other friend get knocked backwards and onto his knees.

"Attend to our master! He requires medical attention!" The seeker growled, pointing a claw at the kneeling warmonger. You swerved your helm around to catch a glimpse of the closing space bridge.

"Oh dear," you mumbled. Your wings sagged, showing emotions you didn't want public.

"PRIME!" Starscream cursed the title aloud. "He will pay for dooming Cybertron a lifeless husk!"

"Yelling his name into the sky like a drama queen isn't going to help anyone of us," you spat, grabbing the slender mech's shoulder and spinning him around to face you. He scoffed and clutched his servos into fists.

"I'm sorry that I seem to be the only one expressing what we're all thinking! Do you know how to bring an entire planet back to life?!" Starscream argued with great frustration. Evil laughter came from behind you. You and the mech faced your leader with surprise, and Doc Knock backed away slowly.

"They can run, but they can never again run home," Megatron announced, rising from the ground. You knew exactly why, and you hated it.

   At least Alcor would never know.

"The children?" Ratchet questioned as he watched the rest of Team Prime trudge through the bridge, carrying their human companions in containers. "What happened?" The room was silent as they put the containers down and freed their fleshy friends. "Somebody say something!"

   "Optimus . . . destroyed the Omega Lock," Bulkhead answered slowly. The medic's optics widened. 

   "What? You did-"

   "What was necessary," Optimus cut him off. "There was no time for another prolonged battle, not with Earth in imminent danger." His oldest friend scoffed at those words.

   "So you destroyed the only device in any universe capable of restoring our home? Optimus, we needed that," the elderly mech said sadly.

   "You weren't there, Doc," Smokescreen butted in, "and its not your place to second-guess a battlefield decision!"

   "It mostly certainly is!" Ratchet argued angrily. "There had to be another way!"

   "I-it wasn't that simple, Ratchet," Jack replied.

   "Megatron was using the Omega Lock to attack the Earth!" Raf explained.

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