Boy, Now Your Life Is Back-To-Front • 19

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"They hurt you and act like you hurt them."

   "Hey Dreadwing!" You greeted the grumpy looking lieutenant as he walked by. You quickly jogged over to him and matched his pace. A big smile was worn on your face that made the mech feel slightly guilty at what he was about to do. "Where you been? Alcor was really looking forward to showing you his progress in sword fighting."

   "I am busy, Y/D. He may show me later." Your friend replied bluntly, quickly walking ahead. You slowed to a stop with questions forming in your mind. That was odd. Usually, your partner was more than willing to visit your son due breaks. You sighed, thinking he would probably need a little more space before you confronted him again. Both of you seemed to be heading in Knockout's direction, so you might as well continue your walk there.

   ". . .-you will not live to spread your wings. Ever. Again." You suddenly heard. That was Dreadwing! You heard the sound you'd grown quite accustomed to, which was him taking out his Gatling gun. Fear spread throughout our body, and you sprinted around the corner, and through a room. There, at the doorway to where Knockout and Starscream were, stood the commander with his weapon ready.

   "Dreadwing, what are you doing?!" You yelled frantically. Who did he think he was? What had gotten into him? What stupid questions, you mentally scolded yourself.

   "Avenging my twin!" He replied angrily. The mech didn't even look at you before he shot a blast at the male seeker. Both Starscream and Doc Knock were able to dodge and get away in panic. Dreadwing walked forwards on the small ramp. Knockout escaped quickly. You ran over to try and stop your friend, but the end result was you getting shoved onto your aft.

   Next thing you knew, the gun was thrown to the floor. The lieutenant pulled out his sword and held it over his helm, preparing to swing. The former commander grabbed a tool from the ground and held it over his own helm, as if that would defend him. A tiny drill he didn't know how to actually use.

   "Dreadwing, what has gotten into you?!" Starscream asked him, scared out of his processor. Your partner sliced the top half of the tool off with the simple flick of his sword. Knowing that would do him no good, The seeker dropped it. "This is about Skyquake, isn't it?" The slender mech blurted, crawling backwards on his aft, "I thought we had put that behind us!"

   "So did I!" Dreadwing shouted furiously. He took a swing of his sword, which Starscream managed to dodge quickly.

   "Casualties are an unfortunate consequence of war! But I assure you, your twin met his end with great honor!" Starscream responded, attempting to calm him down. It wasn't working.

   You picked yourself up off the floor as they yelled their arguments at each other. It was a bit of a challenge though. It seemed that, in the excitement, your partner had actually injured your leg.

   "Which you disgraced by raising him from the dead!" The commander spat. Shock flashed on Starscream's faceplates.

   "Oh, you know about that." The skinny mech grounded his denta as he tried to come up with something else. He ended up going with pleading. "There must be something I can do, some form of reparation I can do to alleviate your anguish!"

   "Your spark will suffice!" Dreadwing roared. He raised the sword over his helm again.


   The mech in question turned his helm slightly to see his master. Megatron was helping you up like the gentleman he really wasn't. You stood unsteadily on your legs and leaned against the wall for support. The lieutenant's optics widened. What had he done to you?

   "Stand down!" Megatron ordered him. Dreadwing mentally sighed and glanced at you apologetically. You didn't meet his gaze. Too late to turn back now.

   "This desecrator must pay for his actions!" The commander argued, pointing at the kneeling seeker.

   "You call this loyalty, master?!" Starscream screeched.

   "Dreadwing, come on! Don't do this!" You urged. Disappointment and betrayal could be seen in your optics. At least if the lieutenant died, he wouldn't have to see it any more.

   "I order you to stand down!" The warmonger growled.

   "One which I cannot follow," Dreadwing grumbled, turning back to Starscream. Your leader activated his arm cannon and blasted your old friend in the back. It went straight through his chassis, showing a gaping hole in his body. Sparking wires and burnt innards were seen before the corpse fell face first on the floor.

   It wasn't bleeding energon-falls or as large a wound as your anxiety perceived, but the image still pained you to stare it.

   You couldn't bare to watch. Yet, you did, with great horror.
   "I'm okay. I'm okay! Hahaha! Lord Megatron, you have my eternal thanks!" Starscream laughed maniacally. He bowed to Megatron as the larger mech approached him.

   "Do not ever make me regret which one of you I spared," Megatron growled in his faceplates. His piercing red optics got the message right to him.

   You got away from the seen as fast as you could with a limp. All you needed to do was find Knockout, and have him fix up your leg. Then, well, you needed to visit Alcor. You desperately needed someone to pour your spark into, and it wouldn't be Dreadwing anymore.

   How would you even tell your sparkling about that? He barely even understood the concept of death at his age! You would have to find a way to make it sound like it wasn't so bad. Then again, by the time you saw him, you'd already be in tears. That would do you little good.
   Your only regret was not stopping Dreadwing sooner.

   Maybe then he wouldn't have died.

   Maybe then you could've enjoyed more time with him.

   Maybe then you could've gotten rid of Starscream sooner.

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