Get Dizzy On Caffeine • 9

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"Words are knives that often leave scars."

"We've arrived at the coordinates," of Dreadwing announced, looking up from the scanner. "The relic, it has been taken." The area was surrounded by a couple red flags, and that was it. Your guess? Humans.

"Relic? What sort of relic?" Starscream asked curiously. Once again, you tapped your blaster to the back of his helm.

"Again, none of your concern, 'Screamer," You told him before addressing the troopers, "search the area!" The soldiers nodded and walked away, spreading out to cover more ground. After a little while, one of them finally approached you and your partner.

"Commander Dreadwing, Captain Y/D, we have discovered vehicle tracks," The drone reported.

"The Autobots," Dreadwing concluded with a frown.

"Not to go up against your word or anything," You told the commander, "but I'm not quite so sure that they're the culprits."

"I agree. They've never been known to plant flags at the site of their victories," Starscream added on. You glanced over at him with an expression of surprise clear on your faceplates. An agreement from the traitor hadn't been what you'd expected.

Dreadwing was suddenly by your side and grabbed the seeker by the neck cables. He was hoisted into the air and suddenly became fearful and appearing frightened. It made you question how a person could so easily pretend how they had more confidence then they really did.

   "I will leave your lifeless husk in this frozen waste," The lieutenant threatened the skinnier mech. But, because you weren't willing to watch the only other grown seeker you've ever seen since the war began (you were almost all wiped out rather quickly) be left for offlining, you stepped in.

   "Dreadwing, remember when you said you were better than that and was gonna take him to Megatron for punishment?" You reminded your partner in an aggravated tone. He let out a grunt before loosening his grip and allowing Starscream to drop to the ground.

   It was then when an abrupt growling of an engine made everyone pause and look towards the source. It was a red and blue truck with headlights on, speeding towards you and the group. But, it wasn't just any truck. You didn't think they drove flashy ones like those around the icy wasteland. It was Optimus Prime, and you were more than sure he was hunting the same relic as you.

   "You two!" Dreadwing pointed at two of the various vehicons, "Guard the prisoner. Y/D, with me." You jogged forwards and took your place next to him. Optimus transformed and took a few steps forward. Two guards took their place on either side of you and the commander.

   "Optimus Prime, I will request only once that you surrender the relic," Dreadwing told the Autobot leader sternly. He held out his servo expectantly. You whipped your helm around to face him with a 'wtf' expression.

   "I just told you he doesn't have it!" You whispered angrily at him. Your partner ignored you. So much for a solidified friendship with another Decepticon.

   "I was going to request the same of you, Dreadwing," The Prime replied. His optics read 'don't screw with me', with the added effect of his battle mask. He switched his gaze to you, "Who might you be?"

   "Captain Y/D," You answered coldly, placing a servo on your hip, "and I would say that we're footing, of course, were there not six of us, and simply one of you." Ugh! You hated acting snarky and over-confident! It wasn't like you at all! The real You was only shown around Alcor, who you hadn't revealed to Starscream during your conversation, by the way.

   "Seven! If you'd relieve me of these ridiculous manacles!" Starscream moves his wrists around in the stasis cuffs as if he'd be able to break free.

   Optimus and Dreadwing stared each other down for a few minutes like it was the beginning of an anime battle or something. You and the silver seeker behind you exchanged confused and uncomfortable expressions. Wind howled and blew snowy gusts in the space between you and the Prime. Finally, the lieutenant whipped out his missile gun, and you took the action as a queue to whip out your own blasters. The troopers did the same.

   Dreadwing made the first shot. Optimus took out his blasters and shot back at the firing vehicons as well as you and the commander. Starscream way watched with a fearful, yet almost blank look on his faceplates.  Troopers that had been at your sides charged towards the enemy. One was shot down. The commander fired at the Prime, but he just kept jumping backwards to avoid it. After a duck and roll, Optimus shot at your partner and nailed him in the right shoulder.

   He scowled, you rolled your optics, and shots continued to be fired. The Autobot leader ran forwards, away from an explosion caused by three of Dreadwing's missiles. The Autobot sprinted towards you some more and leaped into the air, changing his blasters into blades. You jumped out of the way of the attack, while your partner partied it with his own. You backed away and opted to guard the prisoner while the two mechs had their dramatic one on one.

   The commander ended up shoving him and the enemy off of a cliff. The slammed into the ground below with what looked like a painful landing. But, they were alright from the heavy fall, because obviously. After some time, Optimus shot at the cliff behind his opponent with his blaster, burying the mech in an avalanche. You, Starscream, and the two remaining drones that kept him from trying anything walked down a path that lead you to where Dreadwing was.

   "A stalemate would leave us where?" The ex-lieutenant asked you.

   "Oh, will you just shut up?" You spat at him. You returned your attention to the avalanche that had just taken place with wide optics as you but your derma. "Dreadwing!" You called out to him hopefully.

   Then, you spotted a figure emerge from the gusts of wind and snow filled air that almost made you smile! Turns out, it was the still-living enemy. You motioned for your drones to attack and activated your blaster for Starscream or the Prime, just in case.

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