Feel Your Mother At Your Side • 13

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   "You've become so damaged that when someone gives you what you deserve, you have no idea how to respond."

"How is this possible?!" Megatron roared, walking past his line up of not-drones. "Four relics, each within our grasp, and yet only Soundwave has come with something other than an excuse!" At the end of the line was Hardshell, who the warmonger turned to face. "Hardshell, what is yours?"

You stood silently next to Dreadwing with your servos held together behind your back. You were still unsure if he actually disliked you or not, but now was not the time, nor place. All you could do was be patient and listen to a bunch of sorry excuses for mechs complain about life and each other.

"I have none, my lord. We failed to retrieve the Tox-En. But, the green Autobot has been . . . terminated." The Insecticon responded.

"Then perhaps this day is not after all," Megatron said with a nod.

"If that is true." Knockout spoke up, making motions with his servo. He broke the line up as he argued against the mech, "It has been a while nice anyone has extinguished an Autobot's spark."

"Because it has been a while since an Insecticon warrior has been provided the opportunity to do so!" Hardshell growled, balling his fists. The medic rolled his optics, and so did you. You just wanted to get things done and see Alcor again.

   "Really, now?" Knockout said. "Because the bug under my recent command was utterly useless." Hardshell growled and moved to jump at him.

   "Enough!" Megatron yelled, ending the argument. "Hardshell, are you certain the one called 'Bulkhead' was exterminated?"

   "By my very own hand, Lord Megatron."

  "Let's review, Alcor," you said to the little sparkling as you worked your magic with the buffer in servo, "what is respect really? A) Treating another person like you'd want to be treated, or B) using it like as power over them?"

   You were more than happy to have gotten out of the semi eventful lineup with Megatron and co. When you left, you immediately rushed to get to your berthroom. There, you were greeted by the bright, excited and loving optics of your only child. It always made you feel so warm and fuzz on the inside! It was a pleasant feeling that you'd nearly forgotten, considering how little kindness people showed anyone in the Decepticon ranks.

   You'd decided that you'd prevent it from happening with your son.

   "A, obiouswy! How else am I supposed to make fwends?" Alcor asked innocently. You awed and giggled and kissed his cheek. You continued to buff his armor to make him look like the handsome mechling you raised.

   "You're absolutely right! And that's why . . ." You continued, trailing off for him to finish.

   "Don't battle out things that can be solved wiv peaceful actions. Wiv words and stuff!" Your son finished happily. He purred in delight as the the buffer went over sensitive spots on his armor.

   "Exactly. Primus, you're so smart! Fast learning too. I bet my rations you're gonna grow up to become Cybertron's future!" You praised your child confidently. He shot his servo up in the air in pride and laughed cheerfully. There was nothing in the world that could take this away from him.

   "Well," Alcor giggled, "you're stwong, butiful, even Dreadwing tinks so!"

   Finally, during the late hours of the day, when you got a break from your nagging obligations, you walked onto the hull. As much as you loved Alcor and wanted to smother him in your motherly affections, you needed a break. Especially since Megatron was so demanding and abusive.

   Being a Decepticon was exhausting!

   Being a mother was just as draining.

   You let out a giant sigh of relief as you sat yourself down on the edge of the deck. You allowed your legs to dangle off the edge and smiled. Your seeker wings fluttered happily. The feeling of relaxation and calmness infiltrated your systems, and a smile crept onto your face as you stared up at the dark sky. The scattered lights created constellations that you identified in your helm as a little game.

   "Enjoying the view?" That familiar, cocky voice asked you casually. You shrieked and jumped to the side to see the shadowed over seeker. You growled, bit for some reason, could not activate your blasters. You stared at your servos in shock before looking back at the mech and scrambling to your pedes.

   "What do you want traitor?!" You hissed at him. Starscream chuckled and stood up from his place next to you.

   "I wanted to see you of course. There aren't very many seeker's anymore. Especially femmes." The ex-lieutenant explained. A mischievous, bad boy grin was spread across his faceplates. You furrowed your optic ridges and clutched your servos into fists.

   "You tried to kidnap me! Like I would even try to befriend you again," You spat at him, "besides! You shouldn't be here! You can't fly!" He let out a 'tsk tsk' and stepped towards you. You, instinctively, took a step back. Your wings drooped as you were both frightened and confused.

   "True. Speaking of which, can Alcor fly? Or is he not yet of age just yet?" The seeker taunted, snickering sinisterly. Your face paled.

   "How do you know of him?!" You demanded angrily, grabbing his neck cables and pulling his face closer to yours. "Tell me!" Starscream coughed and sputtered and pulled at your grip with his servos. Still, the grin on his face and in his words remained.

   "Now, now. That's not how we greet one of your own! Why, I'm probably all you have left, considering your broken friendship with Dreadwing!" He hissed through evil chuckles and choking on energon. You increased the pressure out of anger, hoisting him higher.

   "Shut up, shuT UP, SHUT UP!" You yelled at him out of frustration.

   "You have been having thoughts of defecting, haven't you? You could stay with me. Have your son grow with more of his own—oh, look! Speaking of Unicron. . ."

   "Cweator?" You whipped your helm around, only to see the fearful image of Alcor.

   "A-Alcor! This isn't what it looks like, I swear!" You told him, dropping the slender mech to the ground. He dropped to the floor, completely offlined. Energon spilled out of his intake, audios, and cracks in his plating. It quickly created a pool beneath him. You backed away from him in fear, holding out an arm to have your sparkling back away with you. Instead, you were given a painful slash on your arm.

   "You say killing on purpose was bad, Cweator," the mechling taunted you, a sickening grin joining his features, as well as hollowed our optics, "so why you do it?"

   You began to hyperventilate and back up some more, only for your backstruts to be greeted with a wall that hadn't been there previously. What you'd thought was your son crept closer, and closer and closer. Suddenly, Starscream's gory corpse and slithered over like a snake and joined up with the demon Alcor. It transformed into a giant, hellish version of your rapist.

   "Why are you so afraid, sweetspark? Don't worry, I agree with you! You shouldn't try to fight me—"


   You abruptly shot up in your own berthroom in a cold sweat. You gasped for air that you didn't need with a speedy spark rate from the nightmare. Alcor was asleep in your arms, cuddled up against your chassis.

   It was just a dream, you thought, sighing in relief. You dragged a servo across your faceplates. You brought up the one pede that dangled off of the bed and tucked you and your child into berth. Hopefully, the rest of the night would stay uneventful.

   According to your luck though, it wouldn't really last.

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