'Cause I Know You'll Feel The Ghost • 21

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"We all want things that aren't good for us."
–Butterfly Jars

"Not how I wanted to spend my first trip to Cybertron," Miko mumbled in disappointment. She sighed and leaned against the wall of her cylindrical prison.

"Starscream!" Megatron yelled, turning his helm to face the seeker. You did the same as the mech carried out the silent order.

"Jaaaaaack," Starscream drawled, holding the container up to his faceplates, "it's time to come and plaaaaaay!" He dragged his sharp claws down the side of the container, creating a hideous sound that pained the human's ears.

Meanwhile, Alcor was taking the time to explore. Still, he decided to observe and listen in on the conversation both factions were having, and instead, exploring what the strange machine behind the Autobots was. A small table in the very center, with a pool of glimmering energon suspended over his helm. Four pillars held it up. The entire thing fascinated the sparkling, and he was more than excited and curious.

Those two things drove him to the point where he simply had to find out what it was. He'd ask, but everyone looked rather preoccupied. It was all a bit too scary for the young mech. Alcor finally managed to reach one of the wide pillars and hid behind it. But, before he kept going, something distracted him from going any further.

The sound of Optimus Prime (or as Alcor knew him: Big Red, Prime, Truck Bot) stabbing his Saber into the ground made the child stare at the scene with interest. What was going on? Big Red backed up slowly, and his friends watched him. Following along, the short blue femme disabled her armor and tossed it onto the ground beside the sword. The rest of the team threw the items in their servos on the ground with the other two powerful objects.

All for the humans, too? Alcor didn't know why he was surprised. Raf, Jack, and Miko were all very nice beings. He wasn't sure why the Decepticons even disliked them! They probably didn't hate them though. Hate was a strong word.

"Now, if you please. The Omega Keys, one at a time," the frightening Con leader demanded. The child didn't know what those were. All he knew was that some of his statement had rhymed a little. Maybe, just maybe, the child thought, they had something to do with this weird monument?

Continuing on his way, the mechling put his back to the wall and quietly made his way to the other side of the pillar. Peaking around the side, he caught a glimpse of the selfish doctor walking up to Megatron's side and motioning for the day green Bot to come forwards. He stomped over and exchanged the Key for Miko. The same exchange happened with the beeping Bot and the silent, faceless Con, the Key for Raf.

The sparkling watched with wide optics and confusion written all over his adorable faceplates. Starscream places the container holding Jack on the ground and held out his servos for the two Keys that Blue and Phase, as Alcor had decided to name them. They were handed over, and Blue smiled at her companion who was now with her again.

Suddenly, another portal appeared nearby, and dozens of drones burst from it with blasters out. They surrounded the Autobots and allowed Megatron, you, and the rest of the gang head over towards the table at the center. Alcor found this was a convenience, as he could figure out what it did without having to do anything himself. So, he didn't move, and kept his helm peaking out so he could watch without being noticed. Lucky him!

Of course, you were inwardly freaking out. You stood next to your leader as Starscream, Soundwave, and Knockout put the Keys into their slots. It sent a sort of electric jolt up the pillars that your son jumped away from quickly.

"Behold!" Megatron cheered evilly, shouting into the sky, "The Age of the Decepticons!" Your leader pressed a button on the red hologram pad. The small, 3D image of Cybertron glowed blue and showed the coordinates where the Omega Lock would hit. A beam shot out from the metal ring that held up the pool, hitting a far away building. It tore up and rebuilt the once ruined building, making it appear as if it's never been trashed at all. Brand new and out of place in the wreckage of your home planet.

"My goodness," you gasped. You were shocked at what the beam had done. There was no evidence of it being a pile of trash besides the landfill surrounding it.

"You have what you want, Megatron. This conflict is between Autobots and Decepticons. Allow us to return the humans to Earth," Optimus demanded. His battle mask and angered optics only made you feel intimidated. The warmonger turned to face the mech he once considered a brother. So did the rest of you.

"I wouldn't recommend it. They'd be much safer here," the former gladiator said with a mischievous smirk. You turned your helm to address Starscream.

"Is the space bridge locked on target?" You questioned the seeker. He smirked at you, knowing full well you despised it.

"Per our lord's instructions, Captain Y/D," The seeker answered confidently. The two of you looked back up at the warmonger beside you.

"Why rule only one world, when I can rule two?"

Alcor was terrified.

His friends were currently in a horrible situation that he had no way to prevent. Not only that, but you, his beloved Creator was helping fuel the evil that opposed them! The young mech had looked up to you and put so much faith in you. You were his hero! But now, he was second guessing it all. You'd taught him to be kind and caring and fight for his beliefs, except he was now witnessing you go against all of that!

I gotta find my real Cweater, the mechling decided, before it's too wate.

He hugged his knees to his chassis and sat on the ground, his back to the pillar. He didn't want to cry. The Bots never cried. The Cons never cried. You never cried! Yet he yearned to so badly, but knew that would only give him away. Alcor would be grounded for life if you knew. Then again, he wasn't sure if he wanted to even see you anymore.

The child's internal battle was interrupted by the sound of a space bridge opening up above the Lock. Megatron pressed the button again, and a beam of what looked like bright blue fire shot into the portal. Alcor watched like the rest of you, optics glued to the scene. His were filled with horror, just like yours.

"What should I call my new domain? New Kaon? Or perhaps, Gilded Earth?" Megatron taunted the Prime. Optimus' optics slitted as he glanced from his human companions to the Omega Lock controls. Then, they went to you. You had an apology in your eyes and a bruise on your derma from biting it so much, along with a fist to your chassis uncomfortably. You didn't belong here, but he wasn't going to save you. Not now.

   With that, Optimus Prime lashed out with his servo blade and took down one of the Cons that's been surrounding the team. He made a break for his Saber and slashed the vehicons that were coming after him in the chassis. Megatron went after the Autobot leader with the Dark Star Saber and fought for a minute, before he Prime took his chance and severed the red and gold appendage that held the sword. It landed in on the ground, useless, the servo still gripping on.

   Starscream shot a missile at the mech who rushed towards the Omega Lock controls. Optimus jumped, stepped on the seeker's face, and destroyed the table. It exploded, and shot you and everyone around the table far away on your backs.

   Everything in the area was on fire. Fire was awesome, but it was still terrifying. Or at least, that was what Alcor thought.

   Alcor felt lucky that he survived such a blast. He couldn't spot you anywhere yet, and he wasn't sure how to feel about it. You were probably alive, though. After all, it seemed like everyone here had a way of cheating death.

   He watched the Autobots stay silent as the big rig and his team ran into a space bridge that opened nearby. Specifically, right in front of the pillar the sparkling was hiding behind. The young mech knew that it was letting the Bots escape, so it would help him as well! Sound logic. As soon as Team Prime's leader, the last to get through had disappeared, the child noticed the portal was about to close. So, taking his chances, Alcor sprinted through to greet his new surroundings.

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