Chapter 20

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Author's note: for the record, I'm not a psychologist, and I'm not a specialist in medicine, psychology or anything like that. So just keep in mind that it's a work of fiction. Anyway, having said that, I hope you enjoy the chapter =)

Strange meets weird - Chapter 20

Linny looked at her piece of paper one more time:

* Loyal

* Good listener

* Nice

* Helpful

* Supportive

"Gosh, I'm so boring", she thought. The worse was that she couldn't think of more qualities. She was going to write 'honest' except she had been lying ever since she landed in the alternate reality, so that really didn't apply to her anymore, did it? She sighed, frustrated. 

Amy had said that maybe she'd find qualities when she wasn't so focused on searching for them; however, the only thing she had learned while having lunch with Amy was that, unlike her friend, she did not eat like Garfield, the cat. So she was once again in front of her piece of paper, deep in thought. She had considered 'hard-worker' but the truth was that she only ever worked as hard as her boss asked of her. That's when she came-up with 'responsible'. That fit. Then, upon further reflection, she added 'punctual' (as long as Amy wasn't there to make her late) and then 'healthy'. She only needed two more. Her concentration was broken when the phone rang. The caller ID said 'Zach', she sighed and picked up the phone.

- Hey Zach.

- Oh hey Linny. So how are you?

- Fine. You?

- I'm hm well, fine too I guess. So I called to thank you for inviting me to the BBQ. Sorry I had to leave so early.

- No problem.

- So, hmm would you like to go out again sometime?

Linny didn't know what to say. Should she?

- Hey Zach, why are asking me out again? Did Amy push you to do it? Because you don't have to feel obligated or anything.

- What? No. Amy didn't push me. I just want to date you.

- But why? You're a rock star and I'm boring. Why would you want to date me?

There was a pause.

- Because I like you.

- Really?

- Yeah, really.

- Fine, I'll go out with you if you help me with my homework. I'm stuck, I need two more qualities. I already wrote 'Loyal, Good listener, Nice, Helpful, Supportive, Responsible, Punctual and Healthy'.

- Healthy?!

- Well, I am. And that's good. So, why not?

Zach laughed for a few seconds. 

- OK, fair enough. So how about 'funny' and 'ingenious'.

- Mmm I'd rather not lie.

- It's not a lie!

- Zaaaaach! C'mon, help me. Please.

Zach sighed. He could think of many qualities about Linny but he knew she wouldn't accept them either.

- Mmm... 'Friendly'.

- Am I?

- Well when you're not avoiding me, yes.

Linny's face turned red for embarrassment.

- Sorry about that.

- It's OK. But yeah, write down 'friendly'.

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