18) Thinking Clearly

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Note: Everyone mentioned in this chapter is from the previous stay at Cameron's house and maybe a couple new people as well! They weren't big characters but nothing really changed. Enjoy (:


It felt like my heart was going to fly out of my chest. That felt amazing and that wasn't just any kiss. There was no way he could fake that, right? 

"I-I don't know." I stuttered. 

"I just felt like..." He trailed off, still looking as shocked as ever. "like I had to kiss you." 

"I don't understand." I couldn't really grasp anything that was happening right now. 

"I don't either." The look of shock till showing. "I felt it."

My heart stopped. "Felt what?"

"I felt everything for a second. I was so angry and then I just felt everything. It went away so fast."  He said. "Everything was there. Why did that happen?"

I smiled. It was all I could do. "I don't know but that's great, isn't it?"

"I thought it was gone so yeah, that's great." He replied. Why didn't he look to happy?

"Should we call Jayy?" I asked. 

Dahvie looked confused. "Why? So he can tell us we're doomed and ruin everything?"

I shook my head. "Hes not like that." 

"Iris. He wants only one thing and thats not to be our friend and help us out. He doesn't have a heart. He can't feel for us." 

"You did." I pointed out. 

"For a second. We don't even know whats going on." He argued. 

"That's why we can call Jayy." I replied. 

"He doesn't want to help us." He raised his voice this time. Maybe so much anger was where the passion came from. 

"Hes my friend." I shot back. 

"He doesn't care about you." He said and turned to walk away but he stopped in his tracks. 

"Whats wrong?" I asked him as I went around to face him but my question was soon answered. 

"When did you start referring to me as your friend?" Jayy gave a wicked grin. 

"What're you doing here?" Dahvie asked, clearly upset. 

He shrugged. "I heard my name and I decided to came running out of the shadows."

"We don't need you so you can go." Dahvie snapped. 

Jayy's grin disappeared and he looked at Dahvie with a glare. "Someone has a temper."

Dahvie scoffed. "You'd be the one to understand that, wouldn't you?" 

"Oh yes." He nodded. "I loose my temper quit a lot." He took a step forward and I instantly saw where this was going.

I went in between them before Jayy could get too close. "Guys." I looked at both of them. "Calm down." 

"We're perfectly calm." Dahvie said, not leaving Jayy's eyes. They were both glaring at each other hardcore. 

"I'm actually pretty pissed off so please get out of my way, Iris." Jayy shoved me a little to the side. I stumbled and fell back in to the sand. 

"Don't fucking touch her." Dahvie said. I didn't know if it was an act of caring for my or if he just really didn't want Jayy to be involved.

"Or what?" He laughed. "You're going to beat me up? You're going to hurt a demon?" 

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