Chapter 38: Preparation for the Last Battle

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(Sorry for the late update, guys. Thanks to my idea that suddenly poped to my mind and I can now make updates on this book. Also there will be a poll in the next author note. Be sure to vote there. Let's get started.)

The three boys are walking to there respective classroom while the girls there on the school are staring at them in a romantic way. They only just smiled at them in which some of them fainted due to their handsomeness and hotness. After a few minutes of that fangirling stuff, they successfully arrived at their classrooms. Ash opened the door and one by one they greeted their classmates and their teacher.

Ash - Good morning everyone!

Perseus - Morning!

Hydro - A pleasant day to everyone!

They all said happily. In return, all the girls greeted them as well.

Girls - Good Morning!

Teacher - The three of you may sit wherever you want.

Ash - Thanks. He said with a bright smile in which their teacher blushed.

Ash sit next to Lillie, Perseus sit in between Dawn and Serena and Hydro sat in between May and Hilda in which their rivalry to their love began.

During the teacher is discussing, Ash and Perseus suddenly feel a sudden severe headache and an unknown and intimidating voice began to speak in their minds and said with a feminine voice and also deviously.

??? - Well, well, well. What do we have here? Two Gods living in one universe. How interesting.

Ash's mind - 'What do you want?!'

??? - You are the God of this Universe, right? It's a shame that I will destroy that puny universe of yours once I awaken hahahaha.

Perseus' mind - 'Who are you?!'

??? - And you are? Oh The God of Primordial Universe. What business do you have here?

Perseus' mind - 'I want to travel and don't you DARE destroy this universe including my home!'

??? - Hahahahahahaha! You think I will do that! Like in hell! Once I awaken from my lair. I will destroy everything hahahahahaha. Remember, you only have 2 months to prepare for the Armageddon. (Not that Arceus attack okay? It's the final battle between the good and the evil.) She said as she laugh deviously and became very serious as she said the last sentence.

Then this unknown, intimidating and evil voice suddenly disappeared in an instant and the two Gods suddenly screamed in pain and said,

Ash - DON'T YOU DARE!! He said angrily.

Ash - Ow! My head hurts. Do you feel that Perseus??

Perseus - Yeah but the others is not affected though.

This caught attention to the class and started to feel confused including Hydro because of the sudden yell of Ash earlier.

Ash - Miss, I think we need to leave the room for the meantime. Perseus and Hydro, follow me. He said as he stand up

Teacher - Go ahead.

Perseus and Hydro also stand up and they followed Ash at the corridor.

At the corridor.

Ash - Guys, I think we should we leave the school for the meantime.

Hydro - Why is it so? He asked curiously.

Perseus - Because we hear this demonic voice on our minds that we need to prepare for the Armageddon.

Ash - And I think after 2 months she will arrived here on Earth and I afraid that all the lives here will be in danger if we didn't prepare.

Hydro then quickly reponded,

Hydro - What are you we waiting for? Let's go to Principal Cynthia and explained to her the reason why we need to leave the school for a while.

Perseus - Got it. Let's go there immediately.

Without hesitation, They proceed to the principal and after 5 minutes, they arrived there and Hydro opened the door quickly that makes Cynthia startled and surprised. Hydro then quickly apologized,

Cynthia - Woah, woah. What's the rush?

Hydro - Sorry about that Cynthia.

Ash then walk towards to her and said,

Ash - Cynthia, the three of us need to leave the school right now. He said seriously.

Cynthia - Why is it so sudden?

Perseus walk towards to her as Ash walk away to her and explained why they need to leave the school.

Cynthia - I understand. And I believe it's only two months right?

Ash - No. It will be more than 2 months. I don't know but we will make sure that our universe will be safe and sound.

Cynthia - I understand and I will take care the rest.

Ash - Thanks Cynthia. Come on guys, Let's train. Perseus we will be having a friendly deathmatch somewhere.

Perseus - Got it.

Ash then teleported themselves to some place where there is no buildings at all also unpopulated. Cynthia only closed the door and began to think,

Cynthia's mind - 'Please Ash, be safe.'

With the trio

They all began release their pokémon and Ash commanded them. Thanks to his Godliness, He can command pokémon even it is owned by others. He then ascend to the air as said with a loud voice enough to hear of all.

Ash - Attention everyone! All of you will train here in this place and to prepare for the next war between the Good and Evil and this time this war will be different becaude we will be facing a certain God who will arrived here on Earth to destroy it. We need to protect our home. Are you with me?

All of them roared in agreement as a response that they with Ash.

Ash - Excellent. Proceed!

Without hesitation, they proceed to train to their fullest while Ash amd Perseus will battle to the death. (This deathmatch is not literally a deathmatch where you can kill anyone. Okay? Anyways, back to the story)

Ash - Are you ready, Perseus? He said as he make his battle stance. (Ash's battle stance is kinda like Goku)

Perseus - You bet. He replied, also making their battle stance. (While Perseus' battle stance is kinda like Vegeta)

Ash/Perseus - Here I come! *As they transformed to Super Saiyan Blue.*

To be continued...

(Okay guys, I know that you will be confused on the last part but at the beginning, they already have the saiyan blood that Goku and the others have. And the power levels of their Super Saiyan Blue is way more powerful than Goku's SSB Kaioken X20. The power level is the same as Ultra Instinct.)

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