An Idea and a Revealing of Something Exciting

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Hey and what is up my internet friends! I want a more personalised book cover for this one and the next one. I'm thinking of making up a competition. Right on the spot. You can do whatever you want (material wise) but it has to relate to the theme of the book! Get creative and have fun.

All you have to do is sign-up for Twitter (unless you have it already) and tweet it to me with the hashtag.  is my twitter. Tweet the cover with #TheAbandonedBookCover !

I will add another chapter giving a shout-out to the top fifteen! So share this with a bunch of people! I will also add at the end of each chapter a shout-out to the winner. Also I will look at every one of them and like them, so don't worry if you don't or don't make the top fifteen.

Moving on from that shenanigans, I've decided to release the title for the next book! Now where is that pesky drum-roll button... I swear I saw it a few minutes ago. Whatever, it isn't necessary, you guys have got imaginations! Imagine there is a drum-roll. I'll count down from ten while you do that.











The second book of The Abandoned series is: The Broken!

So I'm going to need your help with this one. I'm doing two contests! #TheBrokenBookCover . That gives it away, doesn't it. Basically the same thing, under a different hashtag and for a different book. Pretty straight forward.


1) December 25th: I'm uploading the prologue for the second book (which will hopefully get you hyped for the first chapter.

2) The first Sunday of the new year I will be uploading the first chapter! So mark it in your calendars! Sunday January 7th, 2018!

Non-book related news: I'M GOING TO SEE DAN AND PHIL'S TOUR: INTERACTIVE INTROVERTS ON JULY 17th!!!!!!! Sorry for killing your ears. Shout-out to my mom who bought me balcony tickets! She's awesome (not amazing... that's Phil... top humour).

Anyway, talk to you later internet friends! <3 Stay awesome!

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