Dedication and Special Thanks

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Hey and what is up my internet friends! I'm going to start with the special thanks because I can and you can't stop me.

I'd like to thank all of you guys because without you guys this wouldn't be possible! I can only hope that you are enjoying this story. If you want to, go back through the chapters and answer the questions at the bottom of the chapters. I want to get feedback and answering the questions are just half of it. The other half is telling me how excited you are for the next instalment! I love all of you guys and remember that you are awesome!

For the dedication, I'm going to do a list just because I can and it's easier that way.

My entire family (we'd be here all day if I were to list all of them and I'm bound to forget someone).

Friends: Abby, Amelia, Chloe, Emily, Emma, Emebet, Jake, Jayden, Jeanelle, Jess, Joel, Lorne, Nicole, Renee, Sam S., Seth, Stefan.

@jk_rowling and @camphalfblood because they made me fall in love with reading and made me want to take up writing myself.

Also @danielhowell and @AmazingPhil because they always brighten my day and they always have said that I could do whatever I put my mind to.

I'm going to start the second book most likely the first weekend of the new year, so keep an eye out for any news as I will be posting news as it gets closer to then. Also if you have spotted any typos please leave a comment telling me as I will be going back through and doing some major editing.

Follow my account for notifications, give me some feedback, answer the questions at the end of each chapter (I would like to know what your thoughts were while reading those chapters), and tell your friends because I would really appreciate that. Also tell me if you want the second book to have twenty-five chapters or if you like the shortness of this book and want the next one to be around the same length.

Don't forget that you can do anything you put your mind to and I will talk to you later internet friends!

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