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Yes, I have decided to write an epilogue and, no, it is not Simlyn's point of view. Thought I'd mention that to clear up any confusion.

    The moonlight's pale fingers left the room dimly lit. Maioth, the replacement queen, lay deep in slumber (quite contently, as a ghost of a smile rested upon her cracked lips). In daylight her fair skin would have held an enchanting beauty, but at this hour she looked like a mistress of death. Her normally full, healthy, jet-black hair was straw-like and as white as the sheets that covered. Her face had become gaunt and skeletal.

    The creaking of an opening door filled the room for a brief second and, through the opening, a shadow glided into the room. Maioth did not stir a muscle, not even when the creeping shadow drew close the bed, or even when the sound of the blade being unsheathed. Moonlight reflected off the blade, flashing wildly as it was brought back then plunged downwards.

   White staining red as blood flowed from the wound in her stomach. Maioth's normally sea green eyes opened instantly and she gazed up at her attacker, red meeting darkness. She didn't need to see her attacker to know who it was, it could only be one person.

    "Why?" Maioth asked, her voice strained as she tried to ward of the pain.

    "You were never meant to hold the title of Queen. Ever since you gained the power, you've done nothing but abuse it. Besides, you're no longer useful. I've found her. The rumours were true. She did give birth and, because of her death, her daughter was placed in a farmer's home. That family is gone, safe for an adoptive sibling, and she is one of whom you deem 'evil'. The real evil slumbers with you and I fear the day it is awakened, so I will not give it a chance. Goodbye, my dear Maioth. I hope the gods are merciful." The attacker replied, emotionless.

    Maioth then realised that the person who she thought attacked her wasn't actually here. The person in front of her was an owl, nothing more. Assassin, that was who stood before her and she realised she recognised the voice. This wasn't one of the regular, run-of-the-mill assassin. This was the one who know one knew the true identity and no one could catch this one.

     The blade dimly flashed, a bit of the blade tinted red. The assassin slit Maioth's throat and a brief spray of blood sprouted from the wound. If she really was the mistress of death, she had finally reunited with him. The blade was sheathed and the shadow slipped back out of the room, door shut with a firm click.

     The mission was complete; Maioth was dead, much to the distress of the servant who found her the next morning. Tray clattering to the floor and a shrill scream, which awoke the rest of the castle.

Hey and what is up my internet friends! This is the epilogue for The Abandoned. Next week will be the dedication and final author's note! Look forward to that! Tell me what you thought about the epilogue. Talk to you next week guys!

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