Chapter 6

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    Simlyn was floating on her back in the bathing river. The breeze was cool and relaxing. Simlyn heard footsteps walking towards her. She allowed her body to stop floating and she covered herself, afraid that someone would see her naked. She turned around and saw her sister standing there, holding her clothes.

    "I just saw Daeis, it was strange though. He seemed to be in pain, I think he's being physically bullied now. Anyway, three of the orphans have woken up ill. It doesn't seem to be the same illness as last time. It seems deadlier." Giltha told her sister as she handed Simlyn's clothes to her.

    Simlyn quickly dressed before responding. "We might need to talk to Daeis then. Only if this illness gets worse though, or if doesn't show any signs of clearing up."

    "I agree. Eilzair is 'missing' again. I don't understand where he could be going, or what he could be doing."

    "It is a bit strange. He also doesn't appear as malnourished as the rest of us, which is also strange."

     "Also, one of the other orphan leaders has turned up with a few from his group. There's been another attack. Him and those few where the only ones to survive."

    "This is the fourth attack in the last two months. There has to be some explanation for it. All my mind keeps going to is someone from the inside is telling the guards."

    "I've got a bad feeling that they might be within our group as well."

    "That would explain the royal guards letting us continue on our way when it's clear that we're orphans." Simlyn sighed, the weight on her shoulders grew heavier.

    "Let's get back to camp." Giltha said, pushing her hair out of her face after another strong breeze blew her hair forward, disrupting her field of vision.

    Simlyn and Giltha walked back to camp in solemn silence. They approached the large Weeping Willow, the branches swayed in the slight breeze. The two girls pushed past the branches and walked over to the base of the tree where a hole was dug into the ground underneath the roots.

    When the surviving orphans had run away to find a place to hide, a few of the trees had taken pity on the children and carved an underground network of caves. Entrances to the caves were located at the base of certain trees. Each time one of the caves were located the trees would cause the collapsing of all tunnels that connected to that cave.

     There used to be forty of these caves but that number has reduced to ten, nine if you count the recent attack. Barely any of the orphans survive the attacks, the most that have is four. Four children, sometimes as young as four-thousand years old; which is the equivalent of a human four year old. There have been a number of cases where the orphans had gone down one of the tunnels, only to find a dead end which wasn't there the day before.

     Simlyn shuddered at the thought of all those dead children. She glanced towards her sister and soaked in her appearance. Most of the orphans called the two of them bewitched because of their unique hair colour. Simlyn's being a golden blonde and Giltha's being a jet black. Giltha was younger but she was still as mature. Her violet eyes seemed to have a slight glow in the darkest nights and they had suspicious cat-like traits. Her skin complexion was always pale, no matter how much time she spent in the sun.

     "Giltha, you're back. Ah, I see you've gotten you're sister. Good timing too. We need to discuss what to do with this guard." Fenrir said, stepping out of the shadows.

    "What guard? What have you done with him?" Simlyn asked, fearful that they had injured Daeis or one of the other guards.

     "I don't know. He came here with that sorcerer, who I believe to be his father." Fenrir answered in a dull tone.

     "Let me see him."

     "Do you think it's Daeis?" Giltha whispered to her sister.

     "It might be." Simlyn whispered in return, before pushing past Giltha and Fenrir and entering the big cavern.

      The sorcerer and the guard were tied up and appeared uninjured. Two other elven groups were present and were arguing with Simlyn's group, one of them was holding Amarvin at knife and seemed to be holding her back while threatening the others. The elf didn't seem to care that he was holding the knife a bit to tight, as a small beads of blood were forming and dripping down the blade.

     "Enough!" Simlyn roared, her anger was evident and everyone flinched. "Let go of Amarvin, you've caused enough damage. Eilzair and Amarvin, please go and untie Daeis and the sorcerer. Daeis is a friend you can trust him."

     Giltha glided past her sister as Simlyn rounded on Fenrir. "Why did you get two other groups to come? You could at least trust the words of my group! Next time something like this happens and you're the cause, I'll have your head! You do not harm one of my group or you will pay the consequence! I'd keep your toes in line if I were you, Fenrir!" Simlyn growled, her glare made Fenrir take a few steps back, fear flashing briefly in his eyes.

    Simlyn turned on her heel and made her way over to Daeis and the sorcerer. Daeis had a smile on his face.

     "I knew you were warming up to me Simmie," he said in excitement. "Although, please remind me never to anger you because you get kinda deadly."

     Simlyn rolled her eyes at him, trying to seem annoyed, but that didn't stop the smile that found its way onto her face.

Hey and what is up my internet friends! Here is Chapter 6! I've changed something in the first chapter because I had gotten Amarvin's hair and eye colour mixed up with Giltha's. I'm actually  kind of proud with how this chapter turned out. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I remembered that I promised two chapters but I'm crunched on time so I'm going to upload the next chapter tomorrow (sorry about that).

Question time! One: what do you think of the new character, Fenrir? Two: what about Simlyn's outburst? Three: who is this sorcerer and why, do you think, is he with Daeis?

Stay tuned for the next instalment of The Abandoned! If you enjoyed this don't forget to follow me for updates! I don't bite, so please don't be shy; comment to your heart's desire! I would love to hear feedback from you! I also want to let you know that, as of this week, I am back in school (this is my final year in high school; grade 12) so updates might become slower thanks to homework/assignments. 

See you soon my internet friends!

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