Chapter 10

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     It had been a month since Eilzair mysteriously returned. There had been another attack, this time no one survived. Fenrir had come down to get an update on Eilzair's recovery and when he had tried to return to the other camp, with a recovery update, he found the tunnel blocked. They didn't need to investigate any further, they knew what had happened. Daeis was just as shocked and asked if they needed to come up with a better solution to this problem.

     Simlyn had brushed him off. She knew he was feeling horrible about the situation and that he's trying his best but she couldn't help but feel betrayed. He was supposed to warn them of attacks, yet he didn't. Giltha had tried to reason with her sister but Simlyn had built up a wall around herself. She was being too stubborn and Giltha realised there was no point on arguing, as it wouldn't help matters.

      Simlyn was sat on a rock by a small creek, mulling over the past events and trying to make sense of them. The gentle gurgle of the creek was peaceful and calming. Something that Simlyn knew she needed to keep a level mindset. A twig snapped behind her and she whipped around to see Daeis cautiously walking towards her. Simlyn sprang to her feet, her whole body tense as she waited for him to make a move.

     "I'm sorry. Can you at least try to trust me? If I had known of the attack I would have told you that." Daeis said, his voice timid, clearly trying to keep the situation from getting heated.

     "How could I? Ever since we started associating with you the number of attempts has increased. Why should we continue to talk when you just leave bodies in your wake? We were fine before you got involved! I've made a promise to protect them so I'm doing this to protect them. You must leave, now!" Simlyn growled, eyes narrowing.


     "No! Don't you 'Simmie' me! I should never have let you in! I should never have thought that you were the same boy that I was friends with. You're not. You're not him. You never will be! The boy I knew would never have turned his back on me. He would have tried to figure out what had happened to me!"

      "I'm the same boy! I've only grown up and faced reality. I had to force myself to see that the world isn't filled with sunshine. Sometimes there are dark days. Simmie, I thought you were dead. I didn't leave the house for three years because I didn't want to face the thought that you were gone. I wanted to wake up to you busting down my door asking if I could come on another adventure. When I finally came to terms with the fact you were gone I decided to become a guard, so that I could protect people like I could never protect you. When I found out you were alive I kept slapping myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Simmie... you were always with me, I just was never with you."

       "Daeis, just leave."

       Daeis hung his head, turned around, and started to walk away. He had only taken a few steps when he paused and collapsed onto his knees. His shoulders started to shake. Simlyn tore her eyes away from him and walked back to camp, tears in her eyes. Maybe she had overreacted but she couldn't cave. She had to think about the others. Her back straightened and her pace quickened.

       "Why'd you have to do that to him?" A voice said from beside her. Simlyn jumped and turned to see her sister.

       "I couldn't trust him."

        "So you push him away? You push him away to eliminate the possibility of you getting hurt. That's cowardice. Just because it is the easiest choice doesn't make it the right one. You are aware of the fact that he has no other friends. He just got his childhood friend back and now you've gone and ripped that from him. It probably feels as if you died all over again."

        "I didn't die the first ti-"

        "It was like that for him though!" Giltha roared, interrupting her sister. "Stop hurting him to protect yourself! You have no idea what's like for him! He feels unneeded! He had the chance to be needed and you've gone and torn that from him! I'm ashamed to call you my sister!" With that said Giltha turned and stormed off.

      Maybe it wasn't the best move. Simlyn shook her head and turned to see Amarvin standing there with tears in her eyes. Amarvin quickly turned and ran off, probably in search for Daeis. Simlyn sighed and pinched her nose. She needed to clear her head. She wasn't acting like a leader. She spun around and started to jog away from camp. Maybe the jog will help clear her mind. She was unaware of the creeping shadow that was following her and studying her every move.

Hey and what is up my internet friends! Here is chapter ten! Crazy how we're at ten chapters already! There we have it three chapters in one day! I was actually fearful that I wouldn't be able to do it, but look at this!

Question time! One: what do you think of Simlyn's outburst? Two: where did Giltha storm off to? Three: who do you think was that creeping shadow?

As always don't forget to follow me (to get notifications) and comment! I promise I don't bite! Keep an eye on my activity posts (or whatever the technical term is) for any updates - if I remember to post things there (no promises there). Talk to you later internet friends!

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