Chapter 9

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     The sound of footsteps echoed down the tunnel. Simlyn tensed and slowly reached towards her bow. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at the tunnel. She relaxed when Giltha walked into the cavern. Simlyn was about to ask her sister where she was but then she saw Daeis and another guard walk in carrying someone between them. Simlyn rushed forward and helped them lay the person down on one of the cots. Once she got a better look at the person she recognised it as Eilzair.

     "Where did you find him?" Simlyn asked, looking at Daeis.

      "A few kilometres from the village. An orc was attacking him when I ran across him. Thankfully another guard was nearby and agreed to help." Daeis informed her before turning to the guard. "Can you run into the village and get my father? Inform him of the situation and lead him back here."

     The guard nodded and ran back down the tunnel. Simlyn went back over to the place where she had been sitting and sat back down. She sighed and placed her head into her hands. Footsteps approached her but she didn't look up to see who it was. She felt whomever it was kneel down beside her. She felt an arm wrap around her shoulders.

     "It wasn't your fault." Daeis whispered to her.

      "I didn't put enough effort into finding him. It is. If I had put more effort into finding him this wouldn't have happened." Simlyn whispered back, tears started to form in her eyes.

     Daeis rubbed her back and pulled her closer. She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Sleep slowly took over her body.

      "Was she on last night's errand?" Daeis questioned her sister in a hushed voice.

      "Yes and the night before." Giltha replied in a similar tone.

      "Let her sleep then, she seems really tired and stressed." Daeis told Giltha, while gently picking Simlyn up and walking over to a cot in a darkened corner. He gently laid her down and sat down beside her. The last thing she heard was Daeis sighing before she fell into a dreamless sleep.

Hey and what is up my internet friends! Here is chapter nine of The Abandoned. I decided to have this one be a bit shorter. Anyways, this is just to tie you guys over until the next chapter. I've decided to take a break from writing so I can eat dinner, as it is around 4:00 PM. Also my laptop is about to die... so I'm going to plug it in.

Question time! One: where do you think has Eilzair been? Two: what do you think will happen next? Three: how many more chapters should I do before I get the finale chapters (and don't just say one million because I'm not sure I could do that)?

Talk to you later internet friends!

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