Chapter 12

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       Giltha was enraged by her sister's stupid actions. She didn't want to have anything to do with her sister and she didn't know if Daeis would welcome her into his home. There was also a risk with going to his place because of Tiataeen's job as the village sorcerer. She didn't know any of the other guards that very well, so she settled for the only person left. Daeis' ex-instructor, whose house was on the outskirts of the village.

       She walked up to the door and knocked. The ex-instructor opened the door and immediately ushered Giltha inside. Giltha looked around the home properly for the first time. It wasn't very large but it was very homely. Giltha knew that if she were to have had a home she would have wanted one like this. Giltha noted the sword hanging on the wall, which had a bow and two quivers full of arrows. Lying on the oak table was a set of armour, a polishing kit sat beside it. The home was dusty and Giltha understood why. As a supervisor and instructor you hardly get time off, so the woman had no time to clean. Giltha watched as she rushed back over to her armour and started polishing again.

     "Why are you here? Did Daeis get injured again? I've noticed that he keeps getting bruises but he keeps brushing it off whenever I try to bring up the subject. Has there been another attack? Surely not, I'm usually informed of stuff like that." The women seemed to be rambling and Giltha couldn't help but smile at the middle-aged woman in front of her. The woman tensed as she rambled on, thinking of the worse scenarios.

    "No, Daeis is not injured and, no, there has not been another attack. Simlyn and Daeis have gotten into an argument and she's pushed him away. I got mad and walked away. I don't think I could face her and I didn't know who else to turn to. Do you mind if I stay?" Giltha interrupted the woman before her.

     "That's a relief that nothing too bad has happened," the woman sighed, slumping back in her chair. "It's a shame that they've argued and I'm guessing it was over something stupid. I also don't mind if you stayed. Actually that might be helpful to me. You've seen this place. I could get you tided up and clothe you in maids clothes. No one should question that. Then while I'm out you could keep this place clean. That is, if you don't mind being put to work."

      "I don't mind at all. Actually it might be helpful to have something to keep my mind off of what's going on." Giltha replied, excited.

    "My name is Renna, just so you could ask for me if need anything." Renna informed Giltha.

    "Can I help?" Giltha asked Renna. Renna nodded and Giltha walked over grabbed the other polishing pot and a cloth.


     Giltha had hidden herself in a closet. Renna had warned Giltha before hand just in case she wanted to hide. Daeis and Renna were talking about the argument between Simlyn and Daeis. They'd already been talking for a couple of hours and Giltha was starting to get uncomfortable. Giltha re-positioned herself yet again but her back hit something sharp. Giltha gasped in pain and covered her mouth. The conversation died immediately.

     Giltha froze and hoped that they would ignore the noise. The sound of a chair scraping against the floor and footsteps approaching the closet. The door opened and there stood Daeis. He looked shocked and then the look changed to pain. He spun around and started to rush towards the door. Giltha sprang to her feet and followed Daeis. Daeis opened the door and froze. Giltha stopped in her tracks, night had fallen while she was in the closet.

     "Amarvin." A timid voice said.

      Daeis pulled the person into the house and shut the door. The person had tears streaking down his face.

     "Eilzair?" Giltha questioned.

     "She's gone. She overheard the argument and she ran off. She hasn't been back since and I'm worried. What if something happened? What if I never get to say that I love her? We had a fight before she ran off and I'm scared I'll never be able to tell my sister what she actually means to me." He rambled as Daeis sat him down.

     "Calm down, it's okay. We'll inform the other guards and tell them to keep an eye out for her. What about Simlyn? Is she okay?" Daeis interrupted the boy as he knelt down, his voice calming.

     "She acts like she isn't worried but I know that she's only doing that for me. She's been barely sleeping and she looks like she's going to crash any day now. I'm worried about her, the strain is too much." Eilzair told the people in the room, stumbling over his words.

     "Alright, you should get back to camp so she doesn't worry any more than she has already." Daeis said, standing up.

     "Guards will be out and possibly orcs. He has no way of defending himself. Go with him, keep him safe." Renna instructed Daeis, concern masking her features.

     "Alright. Come on Eilzair, let's get you home." Daeis sighed, heading towards the door. Eilzair followed the older boy.

       A few moments of silence filled the house after the door shut. Giltha glanced over at Renna. They shared a look. They both knew what they needed to do. They walked out of the house into the night, minds set on finding the small girl. Finding Amarvin.

Hey and what is up my internet friends! Here it is! Chapter 12. This is crazy. I actually planned out the next few chapters and I realised that we only one more chapter before the final chapter. This is really bittersweet. Also I've decided to wait until closer to the end of December before releasing the second book's first chapter. Probably the last week of December or even the first week of January.

Question time! One: do you think Renna and Giltha will be able to find Amarvin? Two: do you think that Simlyn and Daeis will be able to patch things up? Three: where do you think Daeis is getting the bruises from?

I'm going to warn you now and also before the beginning of next chapter. There is sensitive topic that is mentioned. I'm just warning you so you are aware. Read at your own risk (I wasn't sure if I wanted to include this but I really wanted to break down one of the characters)! That's it for now, talk to you later internet friends!

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