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  The sound of crinkling leaves filled the air as the boy shifted his weight. His cloak shifted slightly, allowing the Growing season's chilled night air to enter his warm cocoon. He shivered and readjusted his cloak, trying to regain some of the lost warmth.

   Normally he would have been in bed by this hour, but due to his unwavering determination, to complete his guard training, he agreed to do his final in-field test tonight. He fingered the leaf-shaped clasp on his cloak as he recalled the look of pride on his parents' faces. Soon the rubies that made the shape of the leaf would be changed to a jades. He pulled himself from wandering thought to become more alert, but he could feel tiredness creeping in with each passing hour.

   His eyes closed, as if on their own accord, and he could feel himself slipping into darkness. His head started to fall towards his chest. A twig snapped and the boy's head snapped back up, adrenaline waking him. He glanced around looking for the source of the disturbance. Just as he began to relax, and assume that he had just imagined the sound, his eyes fell upon a girl; who appeared to be around his age.

   As he looked at her, he came to the conclusion that she would have been very beautiful indeed, if not for her ghastly thin figure. Her clothes made a huge emphasis on how thin she really was because they clung to her, and, as he looked closer, appeared to be made of leaves. Her skin was tinged blue by the chilled air, but he could tell she would have had fair skin if it were warmer. She had dark circles under her eyes, due to lack of sleep, and her golden eyes looked broken and devoid of life. Her golden blonde hair reached her thighs in waves and he could see that it would have been longer if it were not for the many knots.

  He knew what she was instantly and felt sorry for her. How many loved ones had she lost when the stand-in queen ordered to kill all the orphans? What happened to her parents? Is she alone? Are there others? What's her story? Where is the place that she's now forced to call home? All these thoughts raced through his head as he studied her. He got up and walked over to her.

   "What is your name and why are you out so late?" he asked with a tone of authority.

   "My mother told me not to talk to strangers." she responded, her tone guarded, yet weary.

   "Well, in that case, my name is Daeis."

   "Simlyn. As for why I'm out this late, my mother has fallen ill and I had to walk way into town to visit the sorcerer. I also had to buy some other things while in town and I started heading back later then expected. I do apologise for the disturbance but I must get home before my mother and little sister start to worry that something's happened to me."

  "Very well. I hope your mother returns to health soon. If need be my father is the local sorcerer and he would gladly make a house call, and I'm sure I can talk him into doing it on discount. You may continue on home"

  "Thank you for the offer, I'll keep that in mind. Have a good night and I hope you pass, you'd make an excellent addition."

  Daeis turned around and walked back to his post. Something about her seemed familiar to him and he couldn't help but wonder who she was. He remembered he had a childhood friend who disappeared a few years back but he couldn't remember her name. His thoughts wandered a bit, until he found himself thinking of how this was his last free day before returning to school, where he'd be bullied for the entire day. Then a memory he hadn't thought of in a few years surfaced and he was shell-shocked.


   Daeis found himself walking in the mini garden that was located just outside of town. He went there to escape the bullies from school. No one ever goes there so he's sure that he'll be safe. That's when he heard crying coming from somewhere deeper in the garden. He ventured cautiously toward the sound. He rounded the corner and was greeted by the sight of a crying girl. Her golden blonde hair fell in waves to her shoulders and dirt clung to it in places.

   "Why are you crying?" he asked as he knelt down beside her.

   "My parents have been lying to me my whole life!" she wailed.

   "What have your parents been lying to you about?" he asked, curiosity getting the best of him.

   "I'm adopted! I thought they loved me but they don't!"

   "That doesn't seem right. Maybe they saw you and decided to give you a loving home? If they didn't love you then it would be obvious by their actions."

   "Well... maybe. Wait... who are you?"

   "I'm Daeis. Who are you, mystery girl?"

   "I'm Simlyn, nice to meet your acquaintance." she replied, sticking out her small hand.

   Daeis ignored her hand and pulled her into his arms. "Let's be friends. I think you should go and talk to your parents."

   "I don't want to go alone." Simlyn said, her voice small and fragile.

   "Well then, come with me and I'll ask my parents if I could go with you. Then I'll go with you."

   "Okay!" A large smile plastered onto her face as she stood up with him.


   "Simmie... that's what happened to you?! Gods above, this is a big test!"

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the prologue for The Abandoned. This is written from Daeis' prospective but the rest will be from Simlyn's. I have four questions for you. One: What do you guys think so far? Two: What is your first impression on the two characters? Three: What do you think Daeis will do; will he help Simlyn, will he inform his teacher, or do you have an interesting theory? Four: What was your reaction to Daeis realising Simlyn was his childhood friend? Don't be shy, leave a comment! I don't know when I'll publish Chapter One but I can try for tomorrow. Have a lovely day and like what Dan (danisnotonfire ---> Daniel Howell) said: "Keep smiling and stuff."!

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