Chapter 7

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      After Simlyn had kicked everyone out, she had sent Fenrir to go and round up the rest of the group leaders. Daeis, the sorcerer, Giltha, and Simlyn sat in a circle on the floor. Daeis had Amarvin sat in his lap. She had curled into him and had fallen asleep. The sorcerer had cleaned the cut on her neck and bandaged it.

    "To be clear I don't fully trust you. Who is he? Why are you here?" Simlyn asked.

    "I'm Tiataeen, Daeis' father. I'm the local sorcerer." the sorcerer replied.

    "We're here because my father found out and he wants to help. Also he wanted to meet with you. I told him it was you and he got really excited. He was always concerned about what had happened to you. Also Giltha mentioned that some of the orphans had fallen ill." Daeis cleared up.

    "I was allowed to inspect them and I was able to figure out what illness it is. Fortunately it isn't contagious. Unfortunately it has no cure and it will kill them. I know of a plant that can help any pain but it also won't slow it down."

      "We've dealt with death before. I think we've had this illness before. Its due to malnourishment, isn't it?" Giltha inquired.

     "Yes. I would suggest to have Daeis and the other guards alternatively bring food for you. That way you'll get enough food."

     "Simlyn, what is this about?" asked one of the group leaders, who walked into the cavern from one of the tunnels. She was followed by the rest of the leaders.

    "This is Daeis and his father, Tiataeen. Daeis is a guard who's decided to help us, along with a few other guards. Tiataeen is the local sorcerer. Daeis and I used to be friends when I was younger."

    "Do you trust him?" Fenrir asked.

     "I trusted him as a kid. We grew apart and I don't really know him but I've decided to give him benefit of the doubt." Simlyn replied.

     "As long as you're aware that if this goes south you will be to blame." said one of the other leaders, stepping forward and eyeing Daeis.

     "How many groups are there? How many elves are within each group? How many have you lost?" Daeis questioned, wanting to know what he's getting into.

     "There used to be forty groups, although that number has been reduced down to ten. Well now nine as there's been another attack. We have about forty elves within each group, three of which are group leaders. We've lost a fair few, we keep track of names and ages. It's been a challenging few years." Giltha informed him, glancing at her sister for confirmation.

     Daeis nodded, words seemed to fail him as he looked downward. "That's a lot," he whispered, "how many survive the attacks?"

     "The most we've had survive one attack was four. Though most of the time no one survives. I think we've had a total of ten groups with survivors." Simlyn told him.

    "How old is the youngest child you have, or have had?" Tiataeen asked, worry clouded his gaze.

     "One-thousand. We've had multiple children that young. We used to have one per group but we decided that was to dangerous. Now, in the most secure cave, resides the youngest. They're safer that way and it's easier. We have four leaders with them. Amarvin refused to be separated from her brother. She would have been changed to a different group next year if she had remained in that group." Giltha explained.

     "Excuse me." Simlyn muttered, before standing and walking out of cave and down one of the tunnels.

     "Simmie, wait up! What's wrong?" Daeis questioned, running up behind Simlyn.

      "I just don't want any more deaths to happen. I made the promise to myself that I would keep them all safe, especially Amarvin, Giltha and Eilzair. I'm sorry."

     "Simmie, there's nothing to be sorry about. I'd make the same promise if I were in your position. It shows that you care. It's your motherly instinct, that's why I knew my mom would help. I didn't mention your name and she agreed to helping. Even when I told her that you were here, she didn't care. She just was thankful that you weren't dead." Daeis told her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

     "Thank you. For all of this. One thing I should mention, Giltha and I think that someone with our group is giving out information to the guards. None of the other group leaders know because we both think the groups will separate, which isn't what we need. So if you are committing to this thing you're risking your life."

     "I've risked my life already, so what's new?" Daeis responded, a smile breaking across his face.

Hey and what is up my internet friends? How'd you like this chapter? Sorry this wasn't up yesterday, my family and I went out for the evening (from 2:30 and on til 9:30 or so).

Question time! One: what do you think of all this information? Two: what about Simlyn and Daeis and the bond they're creating with each other? Three: what about Simlyn's promise that she made for herself?

I'll try writing every night and see how many chapters I can upload on Sunday (unless I don't have WiFi - which is doubtful that I won't have access). Follow me to get notifications as I'll post notifications throughout the week. Don't forget to comment as I would like to see feedback! I will see you Sunday for a few more updates (unless something comes up and I'm unable to write - I will keep you posted on that though so don't worry)!

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