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   Hey and what is up my internet friends? My name is Sam and I've had this idea for a story (or rather a series) for quite a while now, and I've decided to stop twiddling my thumbs and just do it. This is The Abandoned and I'm glad you've taken the time to read my story!

   If you enjoy this story, then please share this with others; as that would be much appreciated. If any typos are made, then please feel free to point them out to me and I'll try to fix them when I get the time. Also, at the end of each chapter I'll probably ask a few things that are related to the story, so feel free to comment with an answer. I'll try and read every comment.

   Now I'm going to shut my mouth so you can go read the prologue of The Abandoned! Enjoy! Oh, and I thought I might add that I procrastinate a lot so I don't know how regularly I'll publish a chapter, but I'll try my best for you guys!

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