Chapter 3

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   Simlyn glanced at her adoptive sister, questions filling her head. How did he know to come? Was this a set up? How did my sister know the orc was here? What was that 'adventure' she talked about yesterday? Did she meet up with him?

   "Giltha?" Simlyn questioned, uncertainty and mistrust filling her voice.

    "Look, when you mentioned running into him, I had hope. He might be able to help us orphans survive. Apparently there are some other guards who have a different opinion on us. Daeis has decided to band together the guards who have expressed dislike to hunting us. He has already recruited his guard teacher. I went to the garden that you always told me about. I hoped that he'd be there and, as luck would have it, he was there."

   "Giltha explained the situations that the orphans faced day after day. I'm not sure the guards fully understand the danger and challenge of orphans' lives. I want to get a group together and give them a few of your life stories, how you're coping with the challenges, how you survive, and what jobs are present in each camp. I also would like to have my own thoughts of what goes on in camps like yours, which requires me spending an entire day at the camp. I'll even help out with things in the camp." Daeis said, slinging his bow across his torso.

   "How do we know you won't tell the other's where we are? How do you know you won't betray us? This was attempted once before in one of the camps further south, the next thing those children knew was Death's cold grasp. How do we know you're not going to be like the other boy guard?"

    "Simmie... you were my childhood best friend. I couldn't live with myself if I were to betray you to the Royal Guardsmen! I want to be friends again! I don't care if you're an orphan. It's the personality that counts. Look, what you orphans are doing is a thing of beauty. You've created your own family! You lost your family and then you made a new one. A family born from chaos and brokenness. You are piecing together a family of love, hope, dreams, and loyalty. Not all of us who have families will know what that's like. I'm too proud of you to come swooping and destroying everything you worked so hard on. Simmie... I want to be a part of your family." Daeis said, tracing his fingers along her facial features.

   "Daeis!" A giggly voice cried out, in pure joy.

   Simlyn watched as Amarvin came rushing over, a big smile on her face. Simlyn had never seen Amarvin's dimples so pronounced. Daeis smiled and turned around, arms outstretched. He moved towards her and then picked her up, twirling her around. Her giggles gave hope to the orphans nearby, they always did. The child-innocence was always the source of hope. Hope that things would change for all of them, if not, at least, for Amarvin. She was too young to understand (and she wasn't the only one, as there were a few others who were close to her age), Simlyn just hoped that she would never have to understand. Simlyn wasn't the only one hoping that, most of the older orphans were on the same page.

   "Good morning, Amarvin! How are you today?" Daeis said, holding Amarvin on his hip.

   "Morning. I'm good, how are you? Are you still being bu..bull...ied? I can go teach elves a lesson on kindness." Amarvin told him, a smile tugging at her lips as she looked at him.

   "I'm good. I'm still being bullied but I don't think you can help. I appreciate the offer though. Did you have any nightmares last night?"

   "No, I didn't!"

   "That's really good."

   "How do you know Amarvin?" Simlyn asked Daeis.

   "Amarvin came with me on my adventure." Giltha intervened.

   Daeis put Amarvin down. Amarvin grabbed Daeis' hand and started pulling him towards the orphan camp. She kept telling him to hurry up. She also told him that she wanted him to meet the others.

   "See, Amarvin's become very fond of him. She tends to have a good judge of character. If she trusts him, then so will I. Although I believe I know why you are so unwilling to trust him. You need to let go of that fear. I'm aware that you feel responsible for this group, as the oldest, but you need to let go. He can be trusted." Giltha said, raising an eyebrow at her sister.

   "We'll see about that." Simlyn rolled her eyes, walking past her sister to join the others.

Hey, and what is up my internet friends? Sorry about no update on Monday! I ended up sleeping in and then I had to help my mom with organising the basement... sorry! Oh, about yesterday? Uh.... I.... have no excuse for yesterday... basically I was procrastinating.

Question time! One: what do you think of Amarvin and Daeis' interaction? Two: how do you think the rest of the orphans will react to Daeis? Three: do you think Simlyn will learn to trust Daeis? Bonus: how adorable is Amarvin? Don't be shy! Point out any typos!

I don't know when I'll do another update, but I'll try to do one sometime this week. Now I'm gonna go and do my laundry. Anyways, bye internet friends!

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