Going Back

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"Now, you said you're ready for this?" My mother asked Sage as he stood next to me.

He nodded and slung an empty backpack onto his intensely-toned shoulder. "Yes, ma'am."

Sage was around his early twenties, towering over me in all his muscled glory. He used to have a long mane of light brown hair with streaks of natural blonde running throughout it but he got his hair cut to look more my age. However, it was hard to make Sage look so young when he was so intimidating.

He had a strong jaw and his eyes were a dark shade of blue that shone as the midnight sea whenever he was angry. Sage's eyes were the only way to know that you've pissed him off because everything else about him was so stoic and impassive.

"School with Aurora will be completely different than standing outside her bedroom door while she reads a romance novel." My mother explains to him.

A year ago, the night after what I call 'The Incident", Sage stood outside my hospital room. With his hands behind his back and his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him, he would periodically look from left to right making sure no one would come toward this door if not authorized. Yet who would when Incredible Hulk (without the green) was standing at the door.

Three days later when I had been staring at the ceiling my mind blank of color and thoughts, Sage walks in. He looks out the window and turns to me, tossing me a bag of sour skittles.

"I brought you these." He said to me, his face emotionless. "I thought that maybe you would-..."

I had ripped through the package with my teeth and started to devour the incredibly sour and sweet candy, squeezing my eyes shut and giggling for the first in what seemed like years.

He had sat down on my bed softly and stole one that had fallen out of my grasp and onto the hospital blanket.

I gaped at him in adoration.

Not for the most obvious reason that others might think, such as a crush or how beautiful he was, not even for his protecting demeanor, which I would have swam every ocean for. It was simply because he decided to give me candy in a time when no one else thought to. This small gesture put a halo over his head in my eyes.

Every since then, Sage has been my body guard/best friend. Although he rarely smiled and did this annoying thing where he pushed me behind him if someone so much as glanced my way, I knew he cared and would forever be apart of my life. No matter what came to be.

The easy going summer was over, and laying around watching reruns of Maury all day had ceased. Sage had to get back to work and protect me while I went back to the school where it all started. My mother's choice; Definitely not my mine.

If it had been my way, Sage wouldn't be my body gaurd, he'd only be my best friend.

"If they so much as glance at her funny, you call me and we'll sue. Again." She instructs..

I knew I should not feel guilty for causing so much trouble in such a peaceful town because it was me who had ended up holding the dynamite, but I did. This would be on their permanent record for the rest of their lives.  It also meant that the top colleges they would be applying to wouldn't be interested in students who were involved in the notorious beating that made news across the world called Polisca High Beating. Which was a stupid name.  The media made this situation way more horrendous than it actually was.

With the money my mother and I recieved from the lawsuit, we began a successful protection program for people of all ages.  This program blew up fast, making us millions in the process and gaining us connections all over the world. The universal corporation called As I am, provided mothers, children, and teengers, with vital information and awareness about the reoccuring problems in america. Thing such as bullying, homosexuality, an abusive relationship, ecetera sent our millions of workers around the world offering a lending hand in anyway we could.

Basically because of the beating I took, my mother and I became famous and very wealthy. I still don't know if all of it was worth it or not.

"Aurora, please rethink this."

"Can't lock me away forever, Mom." I kiss her cheek and sling my book bag over my shoulder. "Sage, let's go."

Tears spring to my mother eyes but I ignore them because after 'The Incident' my mother has cried at least twice a day since.

If the dog has been constipated and finally went to the bathroom, she would sob and praise him with snotty kisses. At first I would cry when she did, but then I had grown to take her cry-sessions lightly. She had become seriously overly emotional.

"I'll call you at lunch." I reassure her as Sage closes the big glass doors behind me.

Sage and I pull up to the school and I look at the incredibly cheery looking Polisca High. Before we got out, Sage took a good look around and glances at me, his eyes alert.

"Now when we go inside Rory, no funny business alright? I know you hate how protective I am of you and you want to finally make friends or whatever," Sage rolls his eyes, as if the thought making friends was the most obsene notion he had ever heard. "But if anyone doesn't seem right or isn't above my means as okay to so much as look at you, I will drop the stupid teenager act."

I sigh and sip my coffee. "I understand, Sage."

He groans and tips his head back on the head rest. "And what are you wearing? Why didn't your mother say anything to you about that?"

I look down at my outfit.

Nothing special. Just my favorite fitted spring-time blouse, skinny jeans, and strappy white and wooded wedges. My aquamarine-painted toe nails peep out of the shoe as I look down at them.

Maybe my makeup wasn't too heavy. I flipped down the sun-visor mirror and glanced at myself for a minute. Wild, dark, but perfectly put in place curls surrounded my face. I had swiped a bit of eyeliner on this morning, a dab of blush and mascara, nothing that would make me look too ridiculous.

I flipped the mirror up and looked at him curiously. "What's wrong with how I look?"

"If you wanted to stay under the radar maybe you should try wearing something more... low key. Like pulling your hair back."

"Seriously can we go now? I look fine." I tell him, my voice flat of emotion.

Sage sighs and steps out of the car.

I knew better than to open the door and try and get out myself. He thinks that he has to open the door for me so if anyone comes out with a gun, he'll be the first to yank me to the ground or take a bullet. He also locks the door behind him and the back door on his side so an intruder won't try and drive off with me in the car.

Do I honestly think anything would ever come to that? No. But somehow Sage and my mother do.

While he opens the door and ushers me out of the car quickly, the bystanders turn in to a crowd as people realize who I am. Sage's arm wraps around waist protectively and we walk toward the building.

Everything is dead silent as we approach. No one talks, making the surrounding noises seem so loud and dominant. I just want to scream, but then my mother would make me see my psychiatrist again.

I sigh and duck my head down as we enter the building.

Sage grabs my bag as he already sees it weighing me down. "Obviously your mother should have hired someone to carry everything for you because you are seriously wimpy."

This makes me laugh. "You're the someone she hired to carry everything for me."

Author's Note:

So I understand this is kinda boring but I promise there is more to come next chapter :D Please stick with this story you wont be dissapointed!!

Lily B.

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