Chapter 11

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Erika-"Jake it's okay it's not that bad"

Wait ,if she is staying the night that means there is something bad. You usually just go home but somethings wrong.

Jake-"Erika what's going"


Okay so it may be pretty serious. I didn't want to tell Jake because he will be really upset and think that's it was his fault. We both do that a lot actually. The thing was I just have to lie so Jake doesn't know.

Erika-"Well they just want to make sure I am okay that's all"

He looked at me like I was lying ( which I was). The real reason I was here is because there is still glass in my skin. Let me tell you how much glass on the floor when I fell. I just didn't want him to feel bad because it wasn't his fault.

Jake-"Are you sure"


I was interrupted by the doctor.

Doctor-"Sorry guys but the visiting hours for the hospital are up. Sir you'll just have to come later"

Well I looked at Jake and he didn't seen happy at all.

Erika-" Jake I'm sorry"

Jake-"Hold on Erika "

Oh no that's not good. When ever Jake says hold on he is about to do something not good.

Jake-"Excuse me sir but, why can't I stay till I want to"

Doctor-"Well I'm sorry but it is a policy that visitors leave at 11:00"

Jake-" I'm sorry but I'm not leaving"
"Erika means so much to me and I want to make sure she is okay "

Erika-"Jake it's fine". "I'm okay"

Jake -"No Erika it's not, what if some guy comes by and looks at you "

What! Why does he always do this. I mean this happened when I had a fricken hole in the pants.

Erika-"Jake wtf ,are you kidding me" "It's a hospital "

Jake-"Erika there are boys in this world though"

Erika-"Jake please tell me what kind of boy wants to look at me when I'm in a fucking hospital bed"

Jake-"I mean I would look at you, your very beautiful "

Well that was sweet but still. I don't understand him sometimes.

Erika-"Okay MOM"

We both laughed

Jake-"Erika I just want to make sure your alright"

As Jake said that I guess the Doctor called security because Jake wasn't leaving.

Security-"Come on now Sir"


Jake sometimes doesn't think first.They grabbed him and moved him out the door.


I heard his voice fade away. Jake is the craziest boy in the world.

Hey guys so I didn't post yesterday because I was really busy so I'm sorry but I glad people actually like it😂😊ILY boos💖

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