Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Red Arrow's POV

I stormed out of the Cave without a word. I could sense that Catgirl behind me. I could feel my face getting hot and my anger boiling over. My ears were ringing. It's like little voices were inside my head chanting; "She's with him. She's with him. She NEVER loved you. All that kindness she gave you. All of those feelings you had built up over time and you were ready to express to her. It was just a game."

I wanted to scream. No. I wanted to punch Wally right in the face pull my girl close to me and say "let's leave this place." But I didn't. I just kept on walking. I walked to the Zeta Tubes and was about to Zeta away from this damned place when someone spoke.

"You can't keep running away you know." A female voice said. I look and saw Catgirl leaning against the frame of the Zeta. "You can't just run away from her. She'll eventually know something's up and come after you. That's just how she is. From what Catwoman told me." She says.

"Shut up." I say. "You don't know anything. About me. About her. You shouldn't even be here." I sneer.

"I suppose I shouldn't and I suppose I should." She says. "But I'm stating the truth."

"How can you speak it when you don't know anything about us. Your just some..some outcast." I spit out as I press the button on the Zeta and beam away.

Recognized. Red Arrow B06.

She never loved me...did she? That I won't even know. I never really did anything to let her know how I feel. I never did anything.

I did nothing.

I didn't know exactly where I was. I assumed it was Star City. Possibly Blüdhaven. Central City. Maybe even Gotham. I don't know. All I know is.

I kept walking. And I didn't stop walking. Not until I saw the sun start to kiss the buildings ahead of me.


Flame/Rose's POV

My eyes slid open though I wish they had just stayed closed. Why can't I ever just have a peaceful sleep instead of my body having to wake me up at four A.M. Batman used to wake Dick and I up at that time everyday. I was used to it but when Dick came I had a put up with his whining. But that was okay. Because him and Bruce are basically the only family I have left.

I glance at the clock and sure enough it said four A.M. I look at Wally and see that he is sound asleep, his hand curled loosely around mine. My mind was heavy as my eyes eventually started to shut as I realized how early in the morning it was.

And soon enough I was swallowed up by darkness once again.

My eyes opened to a familiar white room. I look around to find Cor walking around, his cloak leaving a two foot long dusty trail of black wherever he walked. "Cor! Falcon!" I shout as I stand up and wave. At first, he grins at me but then squints his eyes and a horrified look coats his face. My smile falls as I turn around to see Savage. I grit my teeth.

"No! Fearless! It's not real! That isn't Vandal Savage!" Falcon yells. My mind knows what he said. But it's like my body was moving on its own. I slid out my Sais and I was about to attack when something fizzed by my ear and sticks right in Savage's heart. I turn to see Falcon holding a bow in his hands. A quiver of arrows strapped to his back as the string fluttered from the launch of the arrow.

Savage screamed and then he melted and turned to an ugly black dust.

"Well. What a way to say hello when I'm in my own mind." I say sliding my Sais to my sides. "Like the new weapon by the way." I say gesturing to his bow and arrow."

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