Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Red Arrow's POV

I flipped along the rooftops of Star City. Fearless was out of the hospital. She saved me. Almost killing herself in the process. If she wasn't as strong as she was....I don't know if she would have made it. And I....I don't know what I would have done with myself.

"Wow. Look what we have here." A familiar voice purrs. "The lone wolf." I look around, my grip tightening on my bow as I notch an arrow.

"What do you want Cheshire?!" I spit out as my eyes try to scan the shadows and fine the feline. The female villain steps out in front of me. She chuckled darkly.

"Only to use what you care about most against you." She laughs. Even though I couldn't see her wicked grin, her mask said enough. I grit my teeth and point my arrow at her, my arm hissed in pain. Fearless had taken half of the pain. I got half. She got half. You know what they say. It's always fun to share.. Note my sarcasm here.

"Oh yeah? What would that be?" I retort.

"Your undying love for the female who has no fears. Or so they say." Cheshire says, playing with her Sai. I narrow my masked eyes at her. "They say you and her were the best of buds. That she even took care of you all those years ago when you had the flu." She says slyly. "What as shame that 'kindness' is going to go to waste."

"You. Won't. Touch. Her." I growl as a glare at her. She laughs, cold and empty.

"You won't have to worry about me just yet Arrow." She says. "It seems that she has fallen for another ginger." Cheshire says evilly. She pulls out a small black box and presses a button on it. A surveillance camera popped up showing a picture of some sort of park. I look at the screen, my eyes boring into the image as I saw Kid Flash's lips on the Bat's first (and first female) protégé. My eyes widen.

"You see. She never cared about you. The only reason she let you live and healed you, is because she didn't want to have to explain to the League. She never cared about you. Not like a brother, not like a friend, and she never liked you like how you do to her." Cheshire purrs in a wicked voice.


Flame's POV

I felt Wally's lip press with mine. They were soft and gentle. Usually. I would pull away. Usually I would push him off me. I would block people out and not let anyone in.

But I didn't.

No more running away. No more of this game. No more. I wouldn't run away from him. Not him. Not this time. And not ever again. I closed my eyes. It's time to stop thinking I can escape from something that might not even be there.

I deepened the kiss by pushing my lips back with his. He slipped his tongue into my mouth as he hands moved down from my face to my hips. He pulled my in close to him, I ran my fingers through his red hair. His hand brushes a piece of my hair and he tucks it behind my eye as he pulls away.

"As much as I'd love to continue. I have to ask you something." He says with a slightly flirty tone.

"Wait." I say. His arms are still snaked around my waist, for I'm still pressed up close to him. Every word I speak he can hear. And everyone word I speak, makes him shiver. "There is something I have to tell you. About my identity." I say.

"Look. Flame. Fearless. Whatever you want me to call you. You'll always be. The same beautiful, funny, amazing girl I know." He says. I smile a little.

"My name isn't Flame. Embers, yes, is my last name. My real Rose. Rose Embers. But....if you don't mind. Only call me that in private." I say quietly so only he could hear.

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