Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Flame/Rose's POV

I reached Mount Justice to find the team, (including Wally) tied up and injured. The first person I rushed over to was Robin. I pulled the gag off his mouth "Rose..." He whispers so only I could hear. He had a black eye, and tares in his uniform along with cuts and bruises. They hurt him the most from what I could tell. They knew it would get to me. I slid out my Sai and cut the ropes from his wrists and ankles. He jumped up, and even though he groaned in pain, hugged me tightly.

His shoulders shook violently as he buried his face into my stomach. I returned his hug. Wrapping my arms around him. I stroked his hair and rubbed his back comfortingly. "I-I

t-thought they t-took you." He whimpers.

"Shh shh." I soothe. "Your going to fine. I'm right here." I say hugging him. "I'm right here." He continues to sob into me. It took a lot for him to start crying. He only cried when he is really upset and maybe even when he is really happy.

"Fearless to Justice League. Fearless to Justice League. I need Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Black Canary, Superman, Batman, Flash, and Martian Manhunter to the Cave immediately. This is an emergency." I say. "Can you stand?" I ask the now hiccuping Boy Wonder. He shakes his head.

"I think it's sprained." He say referring to his ankle. I nod and help him onto my back, he wraps his arms around my neck. I start to stand, Robin clinging to to me as I go over and untie our still unconscious team members.

Once I get to Conner, I find a nickel sized piece of Kryptonite. I growl as I use my telekinesis to destroy it after I untie him. His eyes flutter open. "Flame?" He says hoarsely. I nod and help him sit up. "What happened?"


Soon enough, the members of the League I requested came immediately. Artemis and the others eventually woke up. They had cuts and bruises and maybe a few sprains. But nothing broken thankfully. I still had the Boy Wonder on my back, the fourteen year old wouldn't let go of me. Black Canary had to wrap his ankle while he clung to me. The only time he let go was to change into a tee shirt and sweatpants, leaving his mask on. Wally had a bruises on his torso and one on his cheek along with a few cuts. Wally was a big boy, the others could manage themselves. Right now, I had to worry about Dick.

"How you holding up?" I ask the Boy Wonder who was still hanging onto me as we stood off to the side in the briefing room.

"I'm fine." He says quietly. I could hear the sleep wanting to take over his voice.

"Your tired." I say.

"I said Im fine." He says again.

"You always were stubborn." I mutter. "Come on Robin. You need sleep." I say.

"Only if you stay with me." He says quietly. I nod my head. Dick rests his on my back. I carry him to the hallway with all of our rooms.

"Who's room? Mine or yours?" I ask.

"Yours. It has the comfy bed and the fluffy blanket." Robin says tiredly.

"Alright." I say as I walk down the hallway to the end and enter my room. I take off my mask and unclip my cloak letting it drop to the floor. I use my telekinesis and change into a black tank top and shorts. I walk over to my bed and set the Boy Wonder down. He curls up underneath. My fluffy dark blue blanket and takes in a deep breath.

"Smells like you sis." He murmurs. He takes off his mask, I put it next to mine as I hop into bed next to my nonbiological brother. His crystal blue eyes are clear as ever.

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