Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I ran at the monster with my Sais in hand. "Get out of here pest. Blüdhaven is my territory." I hiss as I kick the creepy bug like mutant across the face. (If it even had one) It spat out some sort acid from its mouth and hands.


"Team! Attack!" I hear a voice shout. I whip around to see a familiar group of heroes.


Let's rewind for a second.

My name is Flame Embers. Otherwise known as the hero Fearless.

I'm Batman's first protégé. Yeah, everyone forgets about me and automatically think it is the Robin you see today. AKA Dick Grayson.

I went solo about three years ago. I'm seventeen years old, I have super speed, telekinesis, the ability to control fire and I can fly.

Yeah it's best if you don't try to pick a fight with me.

Did I mention that I was with Aqualad Robin and Kid Flash while they were at Cadmus? Right. I was. I was there and found them running along the hallways with the assumed Project Kr. I was there to investigate Project Kr, but they got to it before me. I helped them escape.

And was in their team for about a year, But I went solo again when I heard about the very high crime rate in Blüdhaven.

Now where were we?

Oh yes. That's right:

"Team! Attack!" A voice yells. I whip around to see a familiar group of heroes. Aqualad, Robin, Artemis, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Kid Flash.

"Stay outta my way. Blüdhaven is my ground." I call out to their team leader Aqualad.

"Flame?" A voice said. I turned around to see Robin standing behind me. I see the bug raise it's hand as it started to glow green.

"LOOK OUT!" I yell as I dive at Robin and push him out of the way, the green acid just missing the both of us by a hair. I get off of Robin and stand, brushing dirt off my cloak.

"Thanks." He says sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Finish off this pest now, talk later Boy Wonder." I say as I start to use my super speed to zip up the side of a tall building. I scan the area to see if I can find any weak points on the bug.

"Hey!" A voice asks. I turn to see Kid Flash.

"Flash Boy right?" I say. He groans.

"It's KID FLASH!" He says.

"Whatever." I say. "Talk later. Save the city now." I say as I zip off, finally finding a weak spot in-between the bug's two large eyes. I twirl out my Sais and plunge them into its thick skin. I yank them out. I start throwing rapid punches into the bug until he started to teeter.

"Need a little help?" Kid Flash said as he zoomed across from me.

"If your going to do something Flash Boy, do it. Less chatter more hero." I say as I continue to punch and elbow the stupid bug. Kid Flash started punching also.

The bug started to go towards the ground. "Everybody off the bug now!" I yell. "You to Flash Boy." I say.

"Not yet." He says as he slams his elbow into the bug once more. The bug was crashing down. Fast.

"We gotta get out of here!" I say as I reach to grab his arm. The bug jolts and Kid Flash starts to fall, just slipping from my grasp. His eyes are wide. I fly and use my super speed to catch him before he hit the ground and before the bug crushed us. I zipped to a rooftop, holding onto Kid Flash. "You ok?" I ask. He nods slowly. "Seriously Kid Flash. Are you ok?" I say intently.

"Y-yeah. I'm ok." He says his breathing a little shaky.

"KF!" A voice shouts. Robin and the rest of the team is running over.

"I'm ok!" Kid Flash says with a smile.


"It's good to see you again." Robin says to me.

"The same to you." I reply. I turn and look at Aqualad and Superboy. "Kaldur, Conner, Arty, Megan. Nice to see you."

"It is nice to see you also." Kaldur says with a smile. Conner gives me his shy smile.

"Hi!" Megan says brightly. Artemis waved and gave me a smile.

"Ok. Someone explain." Kid Flash says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh you have forgotten me already eh Wally?" I say with a smirk. "I know it's been a year Flash Boy. But seriously?"

" can't be!" He exclaims with a smile. "Flame?"

"In the flesh."

"No way!!!" He yells as he hugs me tightly. I hug him back.

"And they still are a cute couple." Robin snickers.

"Can it Boy Wonder. We aren't a couple." I snap.

"Ok ok." Robin says with a smirk. I punched him in the arm. "Ow!" He cried out as he rubbed his arm.

"Oh quit your complaining! You want some cheese with that whine? I didn't even punch that hard." I say rolling my eyes. Conner smirked. I smirked back. Him and I are close friends. We knew a thing or two about being mistreated so we got along well. He often felt like he was just a clone and I helped him with that. Like I said; we were close.

Robin gave me is signature laugh as he hugged me. "Oh now you decide to hug me?" I say ruffling his hair.

"What about me?" Wally pouted.

"I am surrounded by huggers." I mumble. "My kinda place." I say sarcastically as I smile and hug him.

"You haven't changed at all Fearless." Artemis says.

"Artemis is right." M'gann giggled.

"Neither have you two." I say with a smile. "And neither has he." I say nodding my head towards Wally who was talking to Robin about getting food.

"Flame. There is an important reason we have come here." Kaldur says to me.

"And that would be?" I ask.

"We want to know if you'll come back on the team." Conner says.


So what do you think? He first few chapters will be a bit slow but I'll try to pick it up a big without rushing it.




~Stay Whelmed~


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