Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Is that everything?" I ask the team. I set out a bunch of blankets and pillows and crap on my living room floor in front of the TV.

"SLEEPOVER WOOOOO!" I hear Wally whoop from my kitchen as he got himself a drink before we left.

"You realize I have neighbors right? Your just lucky they are nice." I mutter. This made Robin and Whisper giggle. Dick had his arm looped around my cousin's waist and had her close.

"This is going to be so much fun!" M'gann squealed. Conner looked uncomfortable Kaldur and Artemis were talking about whatever.

"Come on Wally!" I say.

"Coming! I'm coming!" He says as he zips over to me. "Alright. How are we getting there?" He asks. I smirk and he grin from his face fell. "Not that again...." He groans.

"Yup." I say as I make a black circle with my telekinesis. "You'll be fine Baywatch." I say as I hold onto his hand and pulls us into the portal.

We appear in the cave right by the bedrooms as I hoped. "Alright, you get Conner, You're's and Rob's stuff, I got mine, Arty's, Ace's and M'gann's." I say.

"Race ya!" He says.

"Your on!" I say as we zip off. I enter Arty's room and grab her clothes and other stuff she asked for. Then, Ace's things. Next I zip into M'gann's room and grab her things, then my room. I grab my clothes and meditation mirror and head out. I run to where we started and seconds later Wally came. "I win." I say triumphantly.

"Only because I let you!" He says.

"Sure sure Flash Boy. Sure sure." I say making another portal and we step through it. We appear in my living room to find the team just starting to sit down on my floor as they laid out pillows. I hand everyone their things.

"I'm going to change. Girls are welcome to come with if you want. Boys you change....anywhere besides where we are." I say. Ace and Artemis snicker a little as we walk towards my room.

"Are you sure we can go in your room...?" M'gann says nervously.

"Don't worry. I won't kill ya." I say as we walk in and close the door.

"Wow. I didn't know you played guitar. And saxophone." M'gann says as she eyes my instruments.

"I got bored being in Blüdhaven at times. So picked up some hobbies." I say as I change into a black spaghetti strap tank top and blue shorts. Artemis changed into a green tee shirt and black shorts, ace changed into gray shorts and a red tee shirt, M'gann changed into blue shorts and a purple tee shirt. We exited my room and saw that the boys has already changed and eating pizza.

"Thanks for waiting." Artemis said flatly as we ook our seats. I was in between Conner and Wally. It went like this, Ace, Robin, Wally, Me, Conner, M'gann, Artemis, Kaldur. All in our little huddle in between my couches.

"Let's watch a movie." M'gann says happily.

"What kind?" Ace asked as all of us finally started eating. Some....getting a whole pizza to themselves. Not saying any names. Wally. Ahem.

"Horror." I say.

"Comedy!" Wally says.

"Drama." M'gann says.

"Action." Robin and Whisper say at the same time.

"Yes. Action." Artemis says.

"Ok ok." I say. "Let's see what I have." I say crawling over to my movies.


We had just gotten done watching an action movie, and so then we put in a horror. After that happened. The reactions were pretty funny.

Conner and I had a 'really that wasn't even that scary' look. Kaldur had a 'what did I just watch' look. Artemis looked confused and slightly scared. Whisper and Robin. Oh forget them. Those two fell asleep in the middle of the action movie. Robin's arm protectively around her, his mask still on. Whisper's head leaning against his chest.

Wally....he was a little scared. I tried to pick my least scariest movie. (Considering all I had were Action and Horror) M'gann was defiantly scared. Conner had his arm wrapped around her as she buried her face in his chest.

"Alright. I'm tired. And I'm going to bed." Artemis said as she slid under the blanket I gave her and her head hit the pillow.

"Same. Goodnight guys." M'gann said. Her and Conner went to bed, same with Kaldur. Wally and I eventually slid under our covers also.

"That movie was....weird." Wally whispered to me.

"Yeah. It was. It wasn't even that scary." I say. Wally smiled and looked at me. I raised and eyebrow. "What are you smiling at?"

"I'm just smiling at how beautiful you are." He says quietly. I hold in a snort.

"Beautiful. Right." I say in a hushed voice so we don't wake our friends.

"I'm serious." Wally says. Next thing I know, his arm loops around my waist and I'm pulled close to him. My head resting against his chest. "You are gorgeous." He whispers in my ear. Usually, I would have pulled away from his grasp. But something held me back.

"Give me some blanket you jerk." I whisper. I could practically feel the smile on his face as we shared the fluffy blanket I gave him. And then. We drifted off. Me, into a dreamless sleep.


My eyes open to a beeping noise coming from my kitchen. Wally was asleep his face pressed against my back, his arm loosely around my waist. I gently slip from his grasp and creep my way to the kitchen. I find my watch beeping. It said Unknown Number. I answer it. "Hello?" I say quietly. No picture came up, just vocals.

"It's me." Red Arrow's voice said. "I need your help."


Sorry it was kinda short.

I'll try and make the next chapter longer. Hope you like this story so far ^-^

Idk do you guys actually like my story? I'm ashamed to say this, but I would like a few more votes and comments. Please? Maybe?





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