Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Once Upon A Time, there was a very powerful girl.

She had a family. Maybe not as loving as she had hoped. But she had her mother. Her mother was beautiful, stunning, kindhearted, and empathetic. She cared for her daughter very much.

But then one fatal night, her husband. A demon who mostly took on a human form, killed her. The young soon-to-be-hero, watched as her father stabbed her mother. The eight year old did all she could. She fled. She ran away from her home and somehow stumbled about to Gotham. There she met Batman. Well....more like, helped Batman.

You see, the Caped Crusader was fighting off some of Two-Face's goons. Pretty easy fight. But when the young girl stepped in. The fight got even simpler.

And you can probably guess what happened afterwards. Bruce Wayne took her in and trained her. Becoming the Bat's first protégé. Taking on the name, 'Fearless' The Girl, after threw years, got Justice for her mother's death.

The real reason behind the choice of the female hero's name was because of what she saw. How she watched her mother being stabbed. Over. And over. And over. It changed something inside her.

A year later, the young Dick Grayson came into the family. This was the first person The Girl ever loved after her mothers murder. Dick then became the Boy Wonder. The Girl created many friends. She met the little Roy Harper (AKA Red Arrow)

The two were close friends. Both had a stubborn and hotheaded attitude. On the days Dick wasn't around, The Girl and Roy would hang out.

She slowly opened up to him. Grew to care about him. Even when the two were out in Gotham City, not as heroes but just as the average person. It was a a cool fall day. They were around 9-10 years old. The two were going to get a snack at some sort of food cart.

"Where could one be? I'm starving." The Girl says looking around.

"I don't know...." Roy murmurs. The female hero instantly realizes something was wrong. Roy didn't give her some snarky remark, which was unusual. He had his hoodie over his head like The Girl had, but he was walking a little slower and his cheeks were red. You could see his breath puff out into the chilled air.

"You ok?" The Girl asks.

"I'm fine. Let's just get food." He says quietly. She narrows her eyes at the young archer and takes his hand.

"Come on. I think there is one on the next street over." She says as they walk along the sidewalk. She was still not convinced that he was ok.

The archer, in fact, was not ok. His head felt like it weighed ten pounds more and his stomach felt like it would implode. He didn't even know why they were getting food. The young Roy Harper was sure that if he even saw or maybe even smelled food, he would loose whatever was inside his stomach.

The two of them were just about to reach the corner when it began to snow. And when Roy's knees gave way from under him. "I knew something was wrong." The Girl mumbles. Roy's face was flushed and his hands were shaking a bit.

"Come on Roy. What's the matter?" She asks him. She pulls down his hood and puts a hand to his face. His cheeks blazed with heat. "You idiot." She mutters. "You are sick. You knew you were sick and you let me drag you outside and instead of going home for food, you let me pulls you around to find food." Roy looks at her tiredly with his now, milky blue eyes instead of their usual crisp blue.

"I'm...sorry." He murmurs. The Girl held him in her arms.

"No. Do not. Come on. I'm taking you home. Hang on tight." The Girl orders as she puts the sick archer onto her back and speeds off towards Wayne Mansion.

Young Roy Harper only had the flu of course. Nothing major. Just a fever, nausea and vomiting, cough. Nothing more. But still, the female hero didn't leave his side. She was there whenever he got sick to his stomach to pat his back. She changed the cloth on his forehead whenever it got hot. Green Arrow didn't dare go near her. Batman....also kept his distance. The only person, well, people, that ever went near her while she took care of the sick little archer were Alfred and Dick.

A dead serious expression was on her face and never left. That didn't change until the Young Justice team was created. Not until them did she really start to smile.

Her and Roy drifted apart a little after he got really into his archery and that was a few years later the whole 'flu' scenario. That's also when Kid Flash came along. Him and The Girl became close. Very close. Sometimes, even closer than her and Roy. (But not as close as her and The Boy Wonder)

About a year after that, she left. She went solo and headed for Blüdhaven and quickly tamed the city at a young age of 13. Three years later. The Young Justice team was born.

That's when the speedster of the group fell in love with her. He looked at her as she fought. Her hood sometimes sliding down showing her slightly tanned skin. When they first met she was very pale. But over the years, she had gotten tanner.

Anyway, he looked at her when she fought. Her hood sometimes sliding down revealing her tanned skin. She gripped her Sais in her hands. Sometimes throwing a few throwing stars. She rarely used her fire power and flight. There was really no need. All she needed were her fighting skills, Speed, and telekinesis. She was beautiful. Her dark brunette hair whipping around her, her ink like eyes with bright golden-red ember flecks in them. Sometimes Kid Flash almost got himself seriously hurt, or worse, from him being distracted.

His attention drawn towards her like a fly to light.

But then she left again. At first, Wally and the others thought she had died.

He was a complete mess. But then they started to hear of a girl with a domino mask on that calls herself 'Fearless' in Blüdhaven.

She never spoke to them. Never even contacted them once.

Not until the team came to her while she was taking down a mutant that escaped from Star Labs.

That's where this story really begins isn't it?


Okie! :) here we go! Chapter 18! That was just some Background on Rose 'Flame' Embers. Hope you liked :)

And: HOLY WATTPAD BATMAN. OVER 700 READS. ASDFGHJKL. you guys are the best ;) Love ya haha!

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