Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I ran. I ran for hours and hours.

And I didn't stop running. I ran. And ran. And ran. Part if me hoped if I ran fast enough, I would go and be with Cor and another part of me felt a little bad for screaming at Wally like that. He stayed for me. He cried for me. He was trying to protect me. But I don't need protection. I don't need....a Prince Charming to be there for me....or do I?

I stopped and looked around. I was in Central City. The irony. Note my sarcasm. It was pretty dark outside. It was late. Four days. Damn. What the hell...all I do is make people suffer who are around me. I make my way to the park and sit on a bench. I pull my hood over my head and leaned back into the bench. What was I going to do? I just pushed away my closest friend.

Not surprised. I do that with everyone. Or I have done that with everyone. What the hell was I going to do? I'm

Completely....lost...but maybe not completely just yet. I stand up and zip off. You know where I'm headed.

To my best friends house.


Wally's POV

I walked into my home. Uncle Barry ran over to me. "Dinner is ready Wally." He says. "Batman called. Saying that Robin saw that Flame was ok." I nod my head. Not having the want to speak. I looked at the floor. "Well? Come on. Dinner is awaiting."

"I'm....not hungry. I don't feel to good. I'm going to bed." I mumble.

"Wally?" I hear my mom call from the other room. She walks in. "Honey, are you ok?" She asks.

"He says he doesn't feel good." My Uncle answers for me. My mom gives me a sympathetic look at walks over to me. She puts a hand to my forehead, and then my cheek.

"Oh Wally. You are a little warm. Go head on up stairs ok?" My mom says.

I zip into my bed room up the stairs and close the door. I sigh as I swiftly strip of my Kid Flash suit and change into a loose tee shirt and shorts as I bury myself in my covers.

Something in my chest feels like it will implode when I see her. Like I'll burst into tears or laughter. Maybe even any emotion. Why does she always push people out and try to block me. It's like I'm not allowed to know her.


Flame's POV

I knocked on the door of the speedster house. Barry opened the door. A smile instantly was on his face as he engulfed me in a hug. "Hi!" He says excitedly. I smile.

"Hey." I reply. He pulls away. " here?" I ask.

"Yeah." Barry replies. "He came home about a half hour ago. Is he ok? He didn't eat dinner and he said he didn't feel good."

"Can I check on him?" I ask.

"Sure! Come on in." Barry says as he steps aside and let's me in. I walk up the stairs to Wally's bedroom and knock on the door. A quiet 'it's open' came from the other side. I opened the door and came in. I saw Wally sitting on his bed curled up in his covers looking out the window.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I hear you weren't feeling too good." I say, ignoring his first question.

"I don't feel good." He mumbles. I walk over and sit next to him. I reach my hand over to check his temperature when I feel his strong grip on my wrist. I look at him. His eyes were glimmering. What I wanted to say was: 'your hurting me.' Because. He was hurting me. His grip was very tight around my wrist. "I don't get it Fearless. I really don't. What are you so afraid of, that you have to keep running away from me?!" He says angrily.

"I'm not afraid of ANYTHING." I snap. He looks at me with fire in his eyes then those flames die down and he looks at the floor.

"Sorry." I say. "I am sorry." I say to him. He looks at me sadly as his grip on my wrist loosens.

"I thought I lost you Flame. I thought I LOST you." Wally says quietly.

"I...I know." I reply. "It's all part of the job Wally. You take risks. We're here for that. To take the risks, to protect the city and protect the ones we love."

Wally sighs. "Your right." He says. "Your right Flame."

"Do me a favor Wally." I say. "Don't call me Flame."

"Why? Isn't that your name?" He asks.

"No. It's not." I say.

"Well...what to you suppose I call you? Do you want me to call you Fearless all your life?"

"Not exactly. Come on. Get up. Get dressed. I wanna take you somewhere." I say as I stand up and exit his room.


Wally came out of his room. M'gann had given me some of her organic clothes so I can just use my telepathy and change whenever I feel. I had changed into a loose blue tee shirt and shorts with my cloak and dark shades.

"You sure love that cloak of yours." He says with a grin. I nod.

"I do." I reply. "Come on." I say taking his hand. Wally smiles at me. We zip out of the house and to the sidewalk. "Do you trust me?" I ask.

"With my life." He answers.

"Have you ever ran with your eyes closed?" I ask him.

"Not really." Wally says.

"Close those pretty emeralds of yours and hang on tight." I say. Wally laughs and closes his eyes and the two of us run.


"Where exactly are you taking me?" He asks with his eyes shut.

"You'll see right" I say as I have us skid to a stop. Wally opens his eyes.

"Central Park?" He questions.

"Not quite." I respond. "This is Gotham. It's one of the very few nice places here." I say as I look over the shimmering pond and willow trees.

"I think I know a few more good things that came from Gotham." Wally says.

"Like what? Give me on example." I say.


I look at him. His cheeks are tinted pink as he looks at me. My smile fades a little as I see his red cheeks. My hand goes to his forehead as cheek. "Your a little warm. Maybe we should head back." I say. Maybe he really didn't feel good.

"I'm fine." Wally says with a smile as he takes my hand from his face.

"If you say so...." I say not convinced.

"Can I give you something?" Wally asks me. I give him a puzzled look.

"Sure..." I reply.

"Just don't kill me." He says. Wally cups my face gently and presses his lips with mine.



They kissed!


So many feels when I wrote this! ^-^

Soooo, I'm thinking within the next chapter or two, Fearless tells Wally her real name yus? Yus.

Anyway, hope you liked. :)

Don't forget to slap the vote button. :3




~Stay Whelmed~


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