Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Batman wouldn't let me go get Avery. He said, I had a better job.

Go after Catwoman. I smirked as pulled my fingerless gloves over my hands and adjusted my black cloak.

I was walking towards the Zeta Tubes when I saw Wally walking towards them as well. Him and M'gann came back from their shift about an hour ago. Red Arrow had left, leaving Robin and I to sneak the Xbox for the next few hours, the put it away when Wally and M'gann came back.

"Hi." I say breaking he silence that was lingering in the room as Kid Flash and I walked over to the Zeta Tubes.

"Hi..." He replies not looking at me in the eyes.

"Look. I didn't mean for what I said to sound like I didn't want to hang out with you, or that I didn't want to be around you." I tell him.

"You left me. For a year. A YEAR. And before that. You left for Three years." Wally says. "What is this? What are you so afraid of that you have go keep running away?" He asks.

"I'm not afraid of anything." I reply sharply. My eyes soften as he flinches. "I'm sorry ok? I really am. Best Friends?" I say as I hold out my pinky.


"Come ON Flame! Hurry up!" Twelve year old Wally West said as he pulled on my thirteen year old hand as we ran through the park to catch the ice cream truck.

"Come on. This is faster." I say. I pull my hoodie over my head and use my super speed to catch up to the truck. I zip behind a bush.

"Wow. Your fast Flame." Wally says with a grin as we run from behind the thick bush, towards the ice cream truck. It squeaked to a halt.


I licked my chocolate and vanilla twist with rainbow sprinkled ice cream. Wally and I sat next to each other on a park bench.

"Flame?" He says licking his chocolate ice cream.

"Yeah?" I reply looking at him.

"We are gonna be friends forever right? Best friends?" He asks.

"Hell yes." I reply with a grin. Wally smiles at me and continues to eat his frozen dessert. I smirk and as he goes to take another lick I push the ice cream into his face. It hits his nose and cheek. He looks at me in shock. I smirk and go back to my own ice cream. But, without knowing better, as I lick my treat, Wally pushes mine into my face as well. We look at each other and burst out laughing. "Best friends. Hell yes we are." I say while laughing.

"Best friends." Wally replies with a smile as he holds out his pinky. I grin as I lock pinkies with him as he tries lick the ice cream off his own face.

*End of Flashback*

Wally looked at me, a smile was twitching at the corners of his lips as he locked pinkies with me. I smile and so does he.

"So where you headed?" Wally asks.

"Gotham." I reply.

"I'm surprised it isn't Blüdhaven." Wally says. "You just can't get enough of those two cities can you Fearless?"

"Nope." I reply with a smirk. "Actually. Tonight I'm going after a special someone." I say.

"Are you going to scare the hell out of the Joker again?" Wally says. "It took him twice as long to escape from Arkham last time you wrapped him in that black telekinesis of yours."

"Not the Joker this time." I say. "I'm going after someone worth my time." I say adjusting my fingerless gloves. "Where are you headed?" I ask changing the subject.

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