Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I was the last to enter The Cave.

Recognized; Fearless Z13

The computer echoes. Batman was waiting in the briefing room for me. The others went to talk and order the pizza while Bats and I talked. I entered the briefing room where he was. As soon as my eyes landed on him I bolted over and hugged Batman tightly.

"Hi Batman." I say. I could feel him stiffen a little but hug me back. He never really was into hugs. But when they came from either Robin or I. It was different. "Kaldur says you needed to talk to me?" I say as we pull away.

"Correct." He replies. "I needed you me a favor." Batman says.

"Gasp." I say dramatically. "Thee Batman needs....MY assistance. Little 'ol me?" I say with a smirk. His lips twitch into a tiny scowl.

"Yes." He says letting out a breath. I smile.

"Alright then. What's the problem?" I ask. Around Batman, I could actually be a little cheerier. I'm just glad I wasn't the only 'dark' one so he kinda brought me a little out of my shell.

"I need you to stay here and train the team. Black Canary and a few other members of The League, including Red Tornado are packed with a mission that is leading them on a string of clues. So I need you to stay and watch them. Train them and all of that." Batman says.

"I'm on it. As long as someone watches over Blüdhaven." I say.

"It is already taken care of." Batman replies. I narrowed my eyes. I knew what he was thinking.

"No. Not happening." I say. He looked at me. "Your going to take Blüdhaven aren't you?" I say. He looked away and then back at me. "Not gonna happen Batman. No way. There is no way, no how, I'm going to have you take Blüdhaven and Gotham. Not a chance."

"I can handle it." He said emotionlessly.

"You said that last time you tried to take on both. And it didn't turn out to well." I say. Last time Batman took on both cities it ended badly. Bruises, cuts, and a nasty scrape along his side. That was just about six months before I left Bats three years ago to go solo, but ended up on the team for about a year then left again.


I typed rapidly into the super computer in the Bat Cave. "Come on Flame. Hurry." Robin said worriedly.

"I'm trying Dick. I'm typing as fast as I can." My thirteen year old fingers were going fast. I was trying to use my super speed while typing without breaking the computer.

"What if he doesn't come back Fearless." Robin said, obviously scared. I looked at the ten year old.

"He is gonna come back. I'll make sure of it. I swear it on my life." I say firmly without it going into a snarl.

The computer beeped and a red dot appeared on the screen. "I got a lock on his location." I say. "Come on." I say as I pull Dick onto my back and start to use my super speed.

I zip out of the Bat Cave, towards Blüdhaven.


My eyes scanned where Batman's coordinates were. I heard a familiar sickening laugh. "The Joker." Robin whispered shakily in my ear.

"Stay silent." I tell him. He nods as he clings to me. I creep around the corner to see Batman wearily fighting the Joker as he held a hand to his side.

"Think you can win?" Joker cackled as he punched Batman in the gut. Batman hissed in pain as he continued to hold a hand to his side.

"Think YOU can win Joker?" I growl, my anger getting the best of me.

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