Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"I have it. Now let's go!!!" I shout at the two. They look at me with fear, seeing if I'm cross with them. Oh I am. I am BEYOND pissed.

"She said let's go. What are you waiting for?!" Conner barked. The two snapped to attention as we made a bolt for the exit.

"Come on boys! Keep up!" I say using my super speed to reach the exit. "Con? Will you do the honors?" I say.

"With pleasure." Conner says as he kicks down the door and we bolt out.

Well, so much for coming in with stealth.


Once we reach Mount Justice I deliver Red Tornado the vials to give to Bats. Conner disappears into his bedroom.

I walk into the sitting room to find Wally and Robin, I catch them trying to sneak away into their rooms.

"Not so fast." I say. The two stop and turn around, a timid speck of fear swirling in their eyes (well, mask for Robin)

"Oh h-hey's up?" Wally says nervously. I cross my arms over my chest.

"You know what's up." I say crossly. "I specifically said. DO NOT COME ON THE MISSION. But what do you two do? Come! Honestly! I swear to God. Right now I don't even want to see you two. Well, I'll be off! Bats is probably gonna have my head, and Conner's head as soon as he finds out about Star Labs and how WE CAUGHT IT ON FIRE." I say angrily as I storm out of the room.

I walk angrily towards the Zeta Tubes.

"Um...Flame?" A voice asked. I whip around.

"What?!" I snap. I look to see M'gann flinch. "Oh it's you. Sorry Megan. What's up girl?" I say putting on a fake smile, for I was still pissed off at Rob and Wally.

"It's ok." She said with a bright smile. "I just wanted to say that dinner will be in about an hour or two."

"Thanks a ton, but I am going out tonight. I'll be home late. See you soon. Maybe you and I can do somethin this week end. You me and Artemis." I say.

"Really?" She say hopefully.

"Yup!" I reply.

"Alright! I'll see you later Flame!" She says. I walk into the Zeta Tubes, punch in the code for Blüdhaven.

Recognized; Fearless Z13

And with a flash of light I'm gone.

I reach Blüdhaven in seconds. I pull my hood over my head as I walk down the street. Some of the civilians gave me a wave for I was in a pretty 'ok' part of the city. I could feel my communication watch buzz, same with my ear piece. I check to see who it is, I see a picture of Wally and I on the screen with the title 'Flash Boy' on it. I scowl and decline his call.

"Um hello?" A voice said. I turn around to see a little girl around nine. She had black pin strait hair and crystal blue eyes. She was wearing a black tank top, jeans, sneakers, and a blue head band.

"Hi." I say blankly.

"I cant find my mom. I seen you on the news before and I seen you once on the roof. Can you help me?" She says.

"Sure thing. What's your name?" I ask crouching down to meet her at eye level.

"My name is Cheyenne. But call me Chey." She says with a tiny smile.

"Ok Cheyenne. I'm Fearless." I say. "Let's go find your mom."


After hours and hours of searching we stopped searching for her mom and sat on a bench outside a small store.

"You don't talk a lot." Cheyenne says.

"No. I suppose I don't." I reply.

"I wanna be just like you when I get big." Chey says. "Fight bad guys so I can protect my mom and when I get older my boyfriend. Do you have a boyfriend?" She asks.

"No." I reply.

"You should. Your awful pretty." She says.

"You don't even know what I look like under this hood." I say.

"I seen you on the news remember?" She says.

"I've always had my hood up when I front of cameras." I say.

"My sister showed me a picture of you before she went away. She went away to be like you." Cheyenne says.

"Why would she want to be like me?" I ask.

"I don't know...she just told me she wanted to be like me. Then a few days later, she was gone. Mom and Dad were on trip that day. Dad died but Mom was found. My sister left just before that. Her name was Avery, but everyone called her Ace. Avery 'Ace' Castro. That's my last name. Castro. Cheyenne Castro." She says. "Mom had to change her name though. I don't know what her real name was. I was too small to remember. But her name now is Selina Kyle." Cheyenne says. My eyes widened.

Selina Kyle. Is Catwoman.


Cheyenne probably has no idea who her mother really is!!!

"Cheyenne?! Cheyenne?!" A panicked voice cried out. Chey and I turned to see a woman looking around.

"Mom!!!" Chey yelled as she ran and crushed the woman in a hug.

"I was so worried!!!!" The woman says.

"It's ok! Fearless helped me! She is the hero that protects Blüdhaven! I seen her mom! Once we go back to Gotham, I can see Batman to! Fearless used to be with Batman! That's what sis told me!" Cheyenne says happily.

"Hi! I'm Selina Kyle. And you must be Fearless I presume?" She says with a smile as she extends her hand. I shake it. I could tell she recognized me and I could feel slight hatred pealing off her in waves.

"Yes I am. Sorry, I know this city like the back of my hand and your not from around here. Are you new?" I ask.

"Yes we are. We are debating on weather or not of move here. But I think we are better off back in out home in Gotham." Selina replies.

"That would be wise. Crime around here is worse than Gotham." I answer.

"I can see. Thanks for returning Cheyenne. I don't know what I'd do without her." Selina says.

"I'm glad I could be of assistance in returning her daughter safely home. But I'm afraid I must go. Duty calls. I wish you the best of luck, a safe travel back to Gotham." I say.

"Goodbye Fearless! I'll tell Batman I say you if he talks go me like you did!" Cheyenne says with a smile. I turn and smile at her as I make my way towards the Zeta Tubes.

My hood was still flicked over my head as I zig zagged though alleyways to the Zeta Tubes. Tomorrow if will send the team on a mission while I pull up information on Cheyenne, her sister, her "parents" plane crash, and of course, Catwoman.

Recognized; Fearless Z13


Sorry it was short! I've been kinda busy but I'll try to make these chapters longer!

Don't forget to:




~Stay Whelmed~


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