Two Chances

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I swear, if she makes me come in early one more time i'll-

My thoughts were quickly cut off by someone roughly bumping into me. I flew to the ground with a thud.

"Ow! My head!"

I glanced up to the stranger's voice to see the matching face that matched to that beautiful angelic voice.

When I looked up, the pain taken in my right wrist had suddenly disappeared, and my eyes were focused on this one guy standing right in front of me, rubbing his shaggy blond hair. His eyes were tight shut, and his hands were placed tight on his head. I had detected  a little of Irish in his voice.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going and I just..uh.."

Slowly stopping in the middle of my sentence, I glanced back up at the beautiful face again.

"It's fine, don't worry about it love."

Even thought I knew he was just trying to reassure me, I knew that it was a pretty hard fall and it must of hurt.


That brought me back out of my trance. Glancing around I saw the stranger quickly stand up, frantically running over to some papers that lay ed about 5 meters away from where I had just fell on the ground.

"Something wrong?"

I questioned him, leaning forward to help him pick up the papers. They had all been ripped and soaked from the ground, it had rain prior to our 'greeting' I suppose you could call it.

"I'm going to be in so much shit."

I giggled at that. Even thought I had known it wasn't funny, and that the papers were probably important, the way he swore made it funny due to his accent.

Raising his eyebrow, trying to look serious, I could tell her was holding back a smile.

"Sorry, it's just that, my boss will get really pissed... it's the third time this week i've messed up on something." He stopped to fully turn his body, so he was completely facing me. "God, I don't know how I kept this job for this long." He sighed, running a hand through his blond hair. "I swear, I'm such an idiot and I-"

"Everyone messes up." I told him seriously. "Nobodies perfect."

He looked down again, blushing deeply. I quickly tossed my long brown wavy hair back over my shoulder, it was started coming out from my braid, due to the messiness.

"Look, I feel bad for laying all that on you, I probably sound like a loser." He sighed again, folding the papers neatly.

"No no, you seem cool. Here's my number." I said swiftly taking out a pen from my pocket and writing it on his arm. What was I doing? Now HE probably thinks I'M a loser. Great. Good job Tavia.

I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. I was being ridiculous.

"I'll make sure to give you a ring soon." He replied giving me a huge smile, turning around and walking off.


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