Dave's Opinion

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authors note: sorry for not being able to upload yesterdaay ! ill upload twice today !

this chapter is just based on dave and tavia, theres no eric or tyler ! sorry !

vote please? <3

and feedback maybe?(:

i hope you enjoy, thank guys, love you !


Today was just going to be me and Dave, Chris was at his aunt's house, and Eric was at a wedding rehearsal, and Tyler was spending the day with some friends.

I was going to ask Dave's opinion on Eric and Tyler, because if he didn't like them, they were automatically out, no matter how much I liked either of them.

When I finished getting ready, I was wearing a puffy mid thigh length skirt with different coloured flowers on it, and a loose white shirt tucked in, and black pumps, it was a really cute outfit.

When I heard the honk of Dave's car outside, I opened the front door and stepped in the car.

"Hey." Dave greeted me giving me a warm smile.

"Hey." I replied to him, smiling back.

Dave was wearing dark blue washed out jeans, and a blue polo.

The rest of the car ride was silent, I placed my hands on my lap, and stared out the window.

"Were here." Dave said, tearing me out of my thoughts.

I didn't answer, I just smiled and stepped out of the car, we were in a nice Chinese restaurant.

We walked in he restaurant and waited for the server.

After about 5 minutes, a cute Chinese lady walked out, her hair was in a tight bun with chop sticks,and she was wearing no makeup except for her red lipstick.

"This was please." She said in her thick Chinese accent.

Me and Dave followed her to a table, we sat down in front of each other, and the waitress gace us our menus, and then walked away.

Me and Dave already knew what we wanted, we orded the same thing since we were kids.

I always got the veggie spring rolls, with some spicy noodles, and Dave got some of their chicken.

"So, who do you like more?" I said, nervously twisting my hair around my finger.

"Well," Dave started, setting down his menu." If I'm being honest, Tyler."

"Tyler? Really? What's wrong with Eric?" I rushed out.

"Nothing, it just seems that this Tyler kid understands you more." Dave replied.

"Oh" I answered shortly.

"Don't get me wrong, Eric seems like a god guy too, it's really up to you." Dave said honestly.

After he said this, the waitress came and got our orders.

"Thanks Dave. I think I'll just get to know them more, before making any choices, thanks alot, You're the best." I smiled brightly.

"Anytime sis." He answered.

Maybe Tyler really did understand me more.

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