Interupted Girls Day

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Author's note:

so, sorry for not uploading yesterday, I might upload again today, depends, but uh, feedback?!?!

&voteeeee pleaseplease <3

love you guys, thanks for reading <3

I hope you enjoy !


When Eric hung up the phone I decided I really did need some girl time since I had instead gone on a date with Tyler then hitting up the mall.

Calling my best friend Layla I figured we could go out for dinner first since I was starving.

"Hello?" Her voice rang through the other end.

"Yo, hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab some of the other girls for dinner and then hit the mall?" I asked her hopefully.

"Sure, I'll call AraLinda and Kat and we can go." She paused. " How is 7 o;clock sounding?"

:Great! Meet me at Aramando's restaurant." I said before hanging up.

Heading in my room and changing what I should wear, I changed into pink shorts and a cute green halter top.

Deciding on some gladiator shoes, I grabbed my wallet and I was on my way.


*At the mall*

"Hey, let's go to Forever 21! That's my favourite." AraLinda shouted to us. She was so loud, right when she said that all heads in the mall turned towards us.

"Shhhh! You're drawing attention towards us." Kat said before rolling her eyes.

Kat was the chill one, she had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, she was gorgeous. She was your typical bad ass punk girl I guess.

AraLinda was the complete opposite, she on the other hand could never stop talking, she drew so much attention towards herself it was crazy, but she did it without realizing. She had beautiful long blond wavy hair, and stunning blue eyes. Over all, you coulnd't help but love her.

Layla was just your average boy crazed girl. She had a new guy obsession every week, but she was definitely not a slut, she had just lost her virginity last year, it was with her 3 year long boyfriend Tom, but he happened to die in a car crash 6 months ago, it was really hard on her, and the rest of us, since we had to watch her in pain, she's still hurting, i can tell, since she'smy best friend, but she will slowly start to become the old Layla, i have faith.

"Hey, Tavia, are you alright? You kind of zoned out." Kat stated. " Were you thinking about a special someone perhaps?"

Laughing at her I followed them into Forever 21. It was far from a guy, I thought mentally.

Right when I stepped in the store I knew I wouldn't be able to buy anything, I was almost broke as it was, but looking around couldn't hurt.

"I'm bored, let's go swimming!" AraLinda randomly said. Another thing about her, she gets bored super fast and will remind you of a 5 year old child, even though she's 19 years old.

You would never guess.

Walking out of Forever 21 all together, we started to walk to the front doors.

I was looking down towards the floor when I bumped into someone and all the sudden there were giggles behind me.

Standing up off the ground and brushing myself off, I turned to face who I had bumped into to help him or her up.

"hey do you need some he-" I quickly stopped in the middle of my sentence.

"Eric!" I said helping him up, and giving him a tight hug. " You gotta stop bumping in to me!"

I said playfully, lightly hitting his arm.

"Correct, you need to stop bumping into me!" he said correcting me.

'Whatever." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"If you keep doing that your eyes will stay like that." He told me, causing me to giggle.

"Hey, arn't you going to introduce us?" AraLinda's enthusiastic voice said, i could practically see her bouncing off the walls.

"Oh right, Eric, this is Layla," I said pointing over the the short brunette.

"This is Kat." I said pointing to the silent girl.

"and This is AraLinda," I said lastly, pointing to the tall blond.

"and girls, this is Eric."

After they were all done shaking hands and we talked ofr a bit, I told Eric it was time to leave and that me and the girls should get going.

Hugging everyone I made my way towards the parking lot to my black buggy.

I seem to see Eric everywhere.


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