The roses can decide

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this chapter will be realllllyyyy short.. its been like 4 months since i've uploaded! im terrible, sorry guizee :(










I plopped myself on the couch and threw the blood red rose on the ground. In choosing, I have decided to turn to my last option.

A rose.

A rose? By that I mean instead of 'He loves me, he loves me not.' I have turned that game into, 'Tyler,Eric,Tyler,Eric." But when it landed on one, I always told myself, I should try again with the another rose.

Both boys were incredible, had I mentioned that?

Letting out a loud sigh, I knelt on the floor and began picking up the multiple flowers on the ground.

The last couple weeks I had spent an ever amount of time with Tyler and Eric. Going on dates, late night walks on the beach, cuddling. All in all it had been perfect with both. Making it even harder to decide. 

Only if one of them weren't so perfect, it wouldn't be as hard, I told myself.

That little thought in my head gave me a great idea.

Humming happily to myself I gathered up all the roses and petals, and threw them out in the garbage. Surely they couldn't be as perfect as I thought. Everyone has flaws. Everyone.

My phones started vibrating and "Tyler" Flashed across the screen. Simply I ignored it.

A few minutes later it vibrated again, this time "Eric" appeared on the tiny screen of my blackberry.

Going through with my plan,  simply ignored any contact with both boys for the rest of the night.

This better work.

Thinking back to what my brother told me, who he thought I would be better suited with, I couldn't help but not want to believe that was true. Like, I somehow wanted to exact oppisote boy he had chosen for me. It's kind of like I wanted my brother to be wrong, again. I always wanted people to be wrong. It was one of my bad character traits. Unfortunately. 

I guess I might end up letting the roses decide, again.

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