Chapter Nineteen [Part One]

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I slid in through the door, only one earphone in my ear so I could hear with the other.

The apartment was silent except for the buzz of the television and the stiff snoring of my dad. The second sound was the slightest bit reassuring. He sounded like he was gurgling…or maybe choking on some liquid.

Sober? No.

Unconscious? Yep.

I slid into my bedroom soundlessly and changed into my pajamas. The low temperature outside had lulled me deep into a longing for sleep. I kept the lights off as I crept around my bedroom, the rising moon blanketing the room with a bluish hue. My folded clothes were placed in a hamper and I pulled a new outfit out of the closet: red Social Collide skinnies (guy’s but they fit oh-so-comfortably) and a gray Mayday Parade shirt (again, guy’s). The new clothes were placed on the desk I got from my aunt.

The quilt was cold on the surface but as soon as my legs slid under I was embraced by its withheld warmth. I pulled the covers up to my chin and closed my eyes, smiling at the pure tranquility.

Then my phone went off.

I groaned and slid out of bed, shivering at the sudden chill, and went over to where I’d left my school stuff. By the ringtone I could tell it was Aerin. I’d set the ringer on the way over to “saving” him.

I pulled my phone out of my bag and answered with a yawn. “What?” I shuffled back to bed.

“Aw, did I wake you up? I’m sorry.” I could hear soft punk playing in the background.

I reached over and turned my bedside lamp on. Dim light spanned over my bed and I pulled my knees up toward my stomach. “Nah,” I yawned again. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much.”

I scowled. “Wow. Uh, so what do you wanna talk about?”

He took a deep breath. “Uh, Liz is letting me have the car all day tomorrow. I was thinking I could maybe pick you up in the morning? And then after school we could, uh, hang out?”

“Like a date?” I blurted out, regretting its awkward taste as it passed my lips.

The other side of the line was silent for a couple seconds.

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