Chapter 25

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I grabbed Kirstie's hand and we set off to find a hiding place.

"What about in here?" I asked pointing to the hall closet.

"I guess." She shrugged her shoulders.

I opened the door and looked inside. It was a little cramped, but I guess it will have to do.

"Ladies first." I laughed.

"Nuh uh. You can go in first. What if there's bugs or something in there?!" She cringed.

"Baby." I smirked and walked in. I turned to look at her and she was just standing there.

"Well come on."

She hesitantly took a step foward and closed the door behind her.

"We have got to be the worst hide and seek players ever." She giggled.

"Eh, it's okay. Atleast I get to be with you." I said and wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her closer.

"Awe aren't you sweet?" She laughed.

I leaned closer and kissed her neck, then moving up to nip at her jawline.

"Avi! Not now!" She hit my chest.

"Awe, why?" I pouted.

"Beacuse this is h-" she stopped mid sentance and looked to the door.

"Wha-?" She covered my mouth.


Silence filled the space we occupied and I began to feel annoyed. Until I heard what she did. Footsteps. The floor boards creaked with each step they took, and my heart began to beat faster and faster. Why am I getting so worked up over this?! It's just a game! I listen closer and it seemed who ever it was has gotten closer to the closet.

"Who ever it is, is down the hall." Kirstie whispered barely audible.

The footsteps got closer and closer. My heart pounding with each creaking board. I held my breath as I saw the shadow through the crack at the bottom of the door. They had stopped right in front of it. We had no where to go. I looked at Kirstie and I could tell she was thinking the same. We can't be the first to get caught!! The others would give us hell, saying we were probably making out to loud and that's why we got caught. The shadow still hasn't moved. My heart pounded as the knob began to shake. Withen seconds, the door flew open. Revealing none other than....

"KEVIN?!?!" Kirstie said in a shouting whisper.

"Oh shoot! My bad y'all!" He said holding up his hands in defense.

"You scared the hell outta me." I said gripping my chest.

"You were scared??" Kirstie said, giving me a surprised look.

"Uhh.... Psh! Haha.. Ha.. Nah... I was just playin'.." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Baby." She laughed.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Ooookayy then... I'll just leave you two here...." He said slowly shutting the door.

"I was scared too, it's okay." She laughed burrying her face in my chest.

"But I wasn't scared." I said toughly.

"Whatever." She giggled.

"READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" We heard Ryan scream from downstairs in the Kitchen.

Here we go.

Ryan POV (I don't think I've had his pov yet lol)

I can't believe I lost to Scott. Oh well, maybe I'll find him first and he'll be it. I started with the downstairs. I walked into Mitch's room first and checked everywhere. No one to be found. I moved to Scott's next. I was about to look under the bed when I heard what sounded like running upstairs. I decided to run up and investigate. Who ever it is probably doesn't have a hiding spot and will be easily caught.

Esther POV

Thank god! Ryan was about to look under the bed, but someone was running upstairs like a chicken with their head cut off. It's probably Scott and Mitch. I debated on staying where I was at or going somewhere else. Scott or Mitch are probably going to get caught.... I should just stay here.

Ryan POV

I bolted out of the room and quickly made my way up the stairs. I looked to end of the hall by Esther and Kevin's rooms then to the side of Avi and Kirstie's. No one in the hall. I decided to check the hall closet and the proceed to check the rooms. I reached for the knob and turned it. I barely cracked it open when I heard glass shattering followed by a loud 'shit' which sounded like Scott. I ditched the closet and ran to the room where it came from. I turn the light on my phone on, only to see Scott and Mitch trying to clean the mess they've made.

"Way to go dipshit!" Mitch hit Scott on his arm.

"Me the dipshit?! If you didn't push me this wouldn't have happened!" He said hitting him back.

"Guys, guys chill!!" I told them. "We can make the game no more pairs so this wont happen again. Okay?"

"Okay, but who's gonna be it?" Mitch asked.

"You can be it Scott." I walked out laughing before he could object.

"GUYS GAME'S OVER SCOTT'S IT Y'ALL CAN COME OUT!!" I screamed through the cabin.

Everyone came out of their hiding spots and met in the living room.

"I don't wanna be iiiiit!" Scott whined.

"Tough dude."

"Hold up! Who broke what? I could've sworn I heard something shatter." Esther said seriously.

"He did it." Mitch said pointing to Scott.

"Oh no! Don't blame all this on me! You were the one th-"

"Did y'all clean it up?!?!" She yelled over the both of them.

"Yes." The said at the same time.

"Okay, then we're good here."

"So Scott's it?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"But I don't wanna b-" he was cut off by the electricity coming back on.

"YES!" Mitch fell to his knees.

"Over dramaaatic." Kevin said breaking the silence, and everyone laughed.

"Can we watch a movie now??" Mitch begged.

Everyone nodded in agreement and walked to the couches.

"I'll get blankets!" Esther said walking upstairs.

"I'll help." Kevin followed close after her.

"I'll make popcorn and stuff." Kirstie smiled and walk to the kitchen.

"I'll help you." Avi said following her.

"Ryan, come help us pick a movie!" Scott said motioning me over to him and Mitch.


I walked over and we browsed through the movies.

"Oooo this one!!" Mitch said holding up.

"YES!" Me and Scott said at the same time.

This is going to be fun.

AN: Heyyyyyyyy!! So I made time to write a decent sized chapter for y'all today. Lol :) hope y'all enjoyed it and thanks for reading and voting!
Love you guys! <3

*blows kiss*

Gooood byeeeeeeeeee

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