Chapter 12

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"Is everyone ready?" Scott asked.

We all nod and head out the door.

"Okay, so the lake shouldn't be too far this way." He pointed and started heading that direction.

"Then lets go!!" Mitch said walking ahead of him and everyone else.

"Hey! Wait up, you don't know where you're going!" Scott said jogging after him.

Kevin, Esther, and Ryan started chatting, leave me and Kirstie alone.......... Again. I get the feeling that they're doing this on purpose.

"So.... You ready to have fun?" I asked trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Ready as I'll ever be! Just don't laugh at me when I try to cast the line." She playfully pushed me.

"Now why would I do that?" I smirked.

"Because, I know you." She gave me 'the eye'.

"I'm the one that's supposed to teach you!" I said putting my hands in the air.

"You know I'm just messing." She said playfully hitting my arm again.

"Sure." I smirked. She hates when I do this, but it's cute when she gets 'mad'.


"Whatever." I smirked again.

"Don't whatever me!" She tried to push me, but it didn't really work.

"Whatever." I smirked and pushed her lightly, causeing her to stumble a little bit.

"You're mean to me." She pouted.

"Oh, come on! You know I love you."

As soon as those words escaped my mouth I immediately regreted it.

"I mean uh- not like that! You know like- um- I- I just- I ment......"

"Uh... Yeah, I know what you mean." She said chuckling very slightly.

I could feel my face getting hot.

Idiot! Idiot! Why would you let that slip out?! This is the second time Avi! Gosh! I scolded myself in my head.

"I think we're here." Kirstie said breaking the silence and my thoughts.

"Oh... Good." I chuckled nervously.

"Come on guys! Lets set up right here!!" Scott yelled.

I was walking over to Kevin when I felt Kirstie grab my arm.

"Hey." She said nearly inaudible.

"Yeah?" I turned around to face her, her hand still on my arm.

"You're still going to teach me right?" She smiled.

I looked down then back up at her in a matter of seconds, and smiled back. "Of course."

"Good." She said and released my arm joining me in walking over to the others.

AN: Heyyyyyyyyyyyy! How's it going you guys? :) hope y'all liked the chapter thanks for reading and voting <3

*blows kiss*

Goooood byeeeeeeeeee

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