Chapter 24

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Mitch POV

"NUHH UHHH!! Momma's not gonna play this!" I said pointing at the Monopoly game Esther brought. "This game ruins lives, and takes about as long as one!!" I said sassily.

I looked to Avi and Kirstie and they were sitting on the ground, leaning up against the couch. Avi had his right arm wrapped around her and was holding her hand with his left. It was so cute! They deserve time to cuddle and stuff now that they're not being secretive.

"We should watch a movie instead!" I suggested.

"Okay queen!" Esther said putting her hands up in defense.

I grinned, and Esther walked over to put in a movie until.....

"OH MY GOD, OF COURSE!!" I shouted.

The power had completely shut off, and it was almost pitch black except for the little sliver of light from the window. But it was so gloomy and rainy the light barely helped.

"Wow this is so fun.." Scott said sarcastically breaking the silence.

"You could not be more wrong." I grumbled.

"Hey, guys it's okay. We can find something to do!" Kevin said positively.

"I gue-" I started, but was cut off by a huge crack of lightning followed by a roll of thunder.

"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I jumped up and flew into Scott's arms bridal style involuntarily.

I looked up at him, then quickly got down and pushed up my glasses.

"Ha I'm not even scared bro, you know what I'm saying, ha.." I said acting tough.

"Suuuurrrreee." Scott said.

"Sooooo.... What now?" Ryan asked.

A silence filled the room with thought as we brainstormed on what activities we can do to subside our boredom. It lasted for a while until Kevin had an outburst.

"HIDE AND SEEK!!" He basically yelled.

"Ooooo that sounds fun!! Doesn't it babe?" Kirstie said.

"Yeah it does!" Avi replied.

"I'm down to play that." I said.

"Cool, now we can go into teams of two, with one person it. Who wants to be it?" Kevin asked.

A silence filled the dark room.

"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Kevin said. "Okay everyone, hands in." He said placing his hands for 'Rock Paper Scissors'.

"Y'all ready? One.. Two.. Three.. SHOOT!"

It was Kevin against Esther, Kirstie against Avi, and then Scott, Ryan, and I against each other. Who ever lost in these groups would continue to the next round with the other losers. Then emounting in the biggest loser of them all to be it.

The winners are Esther, Avi and myself. Kevin battled Scott and Ryan battled Kirstie. Kevin and Kirstie end up winning, leaving Scott and Ryan to battle it out for the dreaded role of the seeker.

"One." Said Scott.

"Two." Ryan replied.

"Three." Scott continued.

"SHOOT!" The both said at the same time, revealing the loser.

Scott: paper

Ryan: rock

Ryan hung his head low while Scott screamed for joy.

"Okay, okay, y'all go hide." He said waving us away.
"1...2...3...4...5...6...7..." He started as he walked to the kitchen.

"Come on Kirst!" Avi said grabbing Kirstie's hand and pulling her along.

Esther and Kevin took off in another direction. And I looked to Scott.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you." I joked.

"Awe, don't act you don't love it." He joked back.

"Okay, okay. Come on let's find a hiding spot!"

AN: Heyyyy! I know, I know. It's still not very long, but I've been busy. :(
Hopefully soon I'll be able to write more! *crosses fingers* anyway hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry about the long wait once again. Thanks for reading and voting, love y'all! <3

*blows kiss*

Gooood byeeeeeeeeeee

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